Issue - meetings

2019/20 Internal Audit and Investigation Q2 Progress Report

Meeting: 06/11/2019 - Audit Committee (Item 50)

50 Internal Audit and Investigation Q2 Progress Report 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To receive the Internal Audit and Investigation Q2 progress report for 2019/20

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The Committee considered the Internal Audit and Investigation Q2 Progress Report 2019/20.


During the discussion of this item, the following points were made:


·         The Assistant Director Governance drew Members’ attention to those audits which had received the audit opinion of 3.

·         The equalities audit had been recently completed in draft and had received an audit opinion of 3.  The actions coming out of this audit were under consideration.  The Assistant Director Governance indicated that an update would be provided at the Committee’s February meeting and it was likely that an improvement would be seen.

·         With regards to the Corporate Governance audit, it was clarified that the audit opinion for the final report was now 2.

·         Follow up work was being undertaken on the Public Health audit.  An update would be provided at the Committee’s February meeting.

·         It was clarified that BSOG and LTP grants related to the Bus Services Operator Grant and the Local Transport Plan.

·         The debtor and housing rents continued to be monitored.  Members asked for information about the level of outstanding housing rents debt, the original levels of debt and how this had been reduced.

·         Councillor Burgess commented that number of draft and final audits which had received the audit opinion of 3 seemed high.  She requested that the Committee receive additional information, such as the recommendations, for audits which received the audit opinion of 3.  The Assistant Director Governance indicated that the quarterly progress report could include a summary of recommendations for those audits.

·         Members requested Internal Audit audit CIL, including what was due or had been paid.  Councillor Shepherd-Dubey asked that this audit include how CIL was calculated and issued to the Town and Parish Councils.

·         The Committee would be considering the annual Internal Audit Plan at its next meeting.  Members were asked to consider if there were any other areas, which they felt should be audited.

·         Councillor Burgess asked if Members had a role in the corporate investigations process.  The Assistant Director Governance referred to the Whistleblowing Policy which could be found online.  The Investigations Team carried out investigations but Members could be informed of any trends and patterns should they be identified.


RESOLVED:  That the 2019/20 Internal Audit and Investigation Q2 Progress Report be noted.