Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/06/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 9)


Recommendation: Conditional approval.

Additional documents:


The Committee received and reviewed a report set out in Agenda pages 87 to 107.


The Committee were advised that the Members’ Update included:


·         two additional conditions to be added to the application, Site Levels and Cycle Parking – details required;

·         condition 13 (Sustainable Drainage) was to be replaced with a condition regarding Drainage Details, which would assist preventing increased flood risk from surface water run off;

·         a clarification to the total number of objections received;

·         a clarification that the finished heights of the proposed dwellings be measured at approximately 8.2 metres and that both dwellings would benefit from private rear garden depths of 11 metres.


Paula Wallace, Neighbour, spoke in objection to the application. Paula stated that she made it 38 objections to the application rather than the 37 stated in the Members’ Update. She stated that the application was based on a notoriously dangerous junction which had limited visibility (due to roadside vegetation and traffic) and was already confusing for road users. She added that The Piggott Senior School walk past the junction as it was the only safe walking route (as school lane was unsafe to walk). Paula felt that this additional development would only increase the danger associated with the junction. She added that she had personally seen two children knocked off of their bikes and had a pram knocked out of her hand. She stated that the Council had made efforts to make Braybrooke road safer, with a new pavement present outside her house.


Paul Woods, Applicant, spoke in favour of the application. He stated that all of the planning Officer’s recommendations had been taken on board and applied to this application. He added that the proposed development was acceptable.


John Halsall, Ward Member, spoke in objection to the application. He stated that Paula Wallace had summarized many of the concerns associated with this application. He stated that this application had gone through three separate application numbers, and had believed that this particular application number had ceased previously. He added that this application was close to a hazardous corner and he was of the opinion that highways had not rigorously assessed the risks that this application would add to.


Chris Easton, Service Manager – Highways Development, clarified a number of Member queries. He stated that there had been no accidents reported on the official Police databases that Highways reviews when assessing proposed developmentcould use. He added that if accidents do happen they residents should be encouraged to report accidents toreported to the police so that they would appear on the official databases. He stated that approximately 40 to 50 metres of double yellow lines were present within the vicinity of around the junction.


Members’ sought clarification regarding enforcement of parking beyond the double yellow lines. Chris Easton stated that this was not feasibly enforceable as there are no parking restriction in place in these areas.


RESOLVED: That application 170994 be approved subject to the conditions set out in Agenda pages 88 to 92, two additional  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9