Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/07/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 23)

23 Application no 180716 111 Old Bath Road, Twyford pdf icon PDF 174 KB

Recommendation:  Conditional Approval.

Additional documents:


Bill Soane re-entered the Meeting.


Proposal: Full Application for the proposed erection of a 3 bed detached dwelling following demolition of existing garage.


Applicant: Mr Levi Alleyne


The Committee received and reviewed a report about this application, set out in Agenda pages 83 to 110.


The Committee were advised that the Members’ Update included:


·         A clarification to condition 2;

·         An additional neighbour comment;

·         Comments from Councillor Emma Hobbs outlining her concerns over the application.


John Jarvis stated that he was concerned that of the flood risk posed by this application as it was situated in a zone that was deliberately flooded to relieve London from flooding. He added that a local car park is one such place that is deliberately flooded and was refused permission to raise the car park level. He stated that should this application be approved then it would result in a loss of land that had been designated for deliberate flooding. He added that the site was not at risk of flooding, but instead a designated deliberate flooding area.


Francesca Hobson, Flood Risk Manager, clarified that there was no history of the proposed site nor the neighbouring dwelling flooding in the past 25 years and the raising of the property would take it out of the flood zone and the Flooding Officer had been happy with the assessments completed.  


Justin Turvey, Operational Development Manager Lead Officer (Interim), stated that the Environment Agency (who are responsible for the deliberate flooding of the rivers) had not made an objection to the application.


Carl Doran queried why a previous application at the site had been refused. In response Stefan Fludger, Case Officer, stated that the previous dwelling at the application had been deemed to be to narrow and out of keeping with the character and appearance of the surrounding area. He added that the current application had made alterations to the design which were now deemed acceptable.


Stefan Fludger clarified to Members’ that Thames Water had made no objections to the application.


RESOLVED: That application 180716 be approved subject to the conditions set out in Agenda pages 84 to 88 and the clarified condition 2 as contained in the Members’ Update.