Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/04/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 89)

89 Application NO180243 - 1 Nelsons Lane, Hurst pdf icon PDF 652 KB

Reccomendation: Refusal


Proposal: Householder application for the proposed raising of existing roof to create a first floor and additional accommodation in roof space, insertion of two side dormers windows, erection of a single storey rear extension, first floor side extension, removal of existing chimney stacks and changes to existing fenestration.


Applicant: Ms A Jenkins


The Committee received and reviewed a report about this application, set out in Agenda pages 39-52. 


The Committee were advised that the Members’ Update included:


·         A letter from the neighbouring dwelling confirming they no longer have any objection to the revised scheme.


A site visit had been undertaken in December 2017.


Amy Jenkins, Applicant, spoke in favour of the application. She stated that other notable developments in the nearby area had recently taken place and she was of the opinion that this proposed development would not damage the street scene. She was of the opinion that the property would fit in with the local surroundings. She stated that the neighbour now supported the proposed application and that a frosted glass window would be used to maintain the privacy of the neighbouring property.


Simon Taylor, Case Officer, clarified a question from Members regarding the size of the proposed build compared to the original dwelling. He stated that the new build would result in a 272% increase of the size of the original dwelling.


Several Members were of the opinion that based on their site visit the proposed extension to the property would not be unreasonable compared to its surroundings. Justin Turvey, Operational Development Management Lead Officer, stated that the proposed extension would result in an increase in the size of the property.


Councillor Ross stated that the Borough Design Guide recommended an 11m separation distance between dwellings, whereas the proposed application would have only included an 8.5m separation. It was noted that some Members felt that the Borough Design Guide should be followed in this instance.


Justin Turvey stated that the Officer’s reported noted that the proposed extension would have a damaging effect on the surrounding countryside.


Councillor Smith proposed that the application be approved as it would not be of detriment to the local scene and it would not harm the countryside. This was seconded by Councillor Shepard-Dubey.


Upon being put to the vote it was:


RESOLVED: That application 180243 be approved subject to the conditions regarding the application of the standard time limit, the removal of existing permitted development rights, the following of the approved plans and that the window facing the neighbouring dwelling be made of obscured glass and only have a high level opening.