Issue details

Covid Winter Grant Scheme Supplementary Estimate

To seek a Supplementary Estimate of £100,000 to continue to support families and individuals who are struggling to meet the costs of food and utilities, supplementing the funds provided through the DWP Covid Winter Grant.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: None Specific;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/03/2021

Reason for urgency:
At the Executive Meeting on 2nd December 2020, how the Covid Winter Grant funds would be distributed was debated and agreed. At the same meeting, the Leader of the Council stated the intent that "should it be necessary, we will find more funding, via a properly accounted supplementary estimate, to support those most in need". It is estimated, due to a recent increase in demand for support amongst vulnerable families, that the current grant will be exhausted during week beginning 15th March. A supplementary estimate of £100,000 is proposed. This now needs to be formally signed off as soon as possible by the Executive.

Decision due: 25 Mar 2021 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Business and Economic Development - David Cornish

Lead director: Director, Children's Services - Emma Cockerell

Department: Social Care and Early Help

Contact: Viki Elliot-King Email: Tel: 0118 908 8226.

Reference Number: WBC1197

Reason For Consideration: Seek approval of a supplementary estimate of £100,000 to provide continued support once the grant funds are exhausted to families and individuals with the cost of food and utilities through to the end of the grant period (16th April).


Agenda items


  • Covid Winter Grant Scheme Supplementary Estimate