Executive post

Executive Member for Finance - Imogen Shepherd-DuBey


5.2.14 Executive Member for Finance

To be responsible for overseeing the preparation of the Council’s three year rolling budget and its presentation to Council.

To act as the Member coordinator for:


a)      monitoring of the Council’s budget in line with policy decisions;


b)      ensuring appropriate financial information is brought to the Executive for decision.

To oversee the production of the Council’s budget timetable.

To oversee the workings of the Council’s finance functions, advising the Internal Audit and Investigations Service as appropriate and making appropriate recommendations to the Executive on improvements.

To oversee the production of the Council’s annual review of fees and charges and the development of policy in this respect.

To oversee the preparations for setting the Council Tax.

To be responsible for the production and presentation to the Executive of the Council’s Capital Strategy and three/five year Capital Programme, and for monitoring and evaluating performance against targets set by the Executive.

To monitor the financial impact of the organisational development of the Council including any structural changes or initiatives.

To be responsible for the financial monitoring of WBC-owned companies.

To be responsible for overseeing and monitoring the Treasury Management Strategy and alerting the Executive to issues of concern.

To be responsible for monitoring and ensuring the effective implementation of the Council’s Revenues and Benefits function, including any new processes or initiatives.

To be responsible for monitoring the Council’s Procurement function.

To take responsibility for overseeing the delivery of planned savings.

To oversee the Governance department including Legal Services, Internal Audit and Democratic and Electoral Services), and to ensure that services to Members from those areas are kept under review and that Members are provided with all the services they reasonably need.

To hold the Director of Resources and Assets to account for the performance and improvement of the services and sufficiency duties.

To act as the primary press spokesperson on all matters relating to the whole of the Finance.

To oversee the projects relating to the regeneration of the Borough’s Town Centres and other related projects across the Borough, including the Wokingham Town Centre Regeneration.

To work with the relevant Directors to produce a 3-year rolling budget with the emphasis on the first 12 month which adequately cover the costs within the Executive Member’s areas of responsibility.

To ensure there is regular performance monitoring with directors against the agreed annual budget.

To ensure timely reporting of both over and under spend against agreed budget.

To ensure the preparation of supplementary budget estimates and justification for any overspend against agreed budget.

To take overall responsibility for all financial matters within the portfolio.

To take responsibility for overseeing the development of the contract procurement strategy within the Finance portfolio, including ensuring corporate and consistent standards for monitoring and evaluation of such contracts, and paying attention to timeliness and value for money.

To oversee the implementation of the Council’s Investment Strategy, including oversight of the Council’s Investment Portfolio, in conjunction with the Leader.

To be responsible with the Leader for overseeing the Council’s Asset Strategy regarding all Council owned property, to take a lead role in acquisition and/or disposal of assets in line with Council policies, and to advise other Members of Council policy and targets in respect of asset management.

To oversee the development and implementation of the Council’s Lettings Strategy, including the Town Centre Regeneration Lettings Strategy, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, and the Executive Member for Business and Economic Development

To take on or transfer any other function, responsibility or role which the Leader may deem from time to time appropriate. 

To work with all Executive Members to develop the Council’s external funding strategy to maximise income from Government and other sources. 

To be responsible with the Leader for overseeing the Council’s overall corporate contract procurement strategy, including ensuring corporate and consistent standards for procuring, monitoring and evaluating such contracts that take into account timeliness and value for money.


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