Issue - decisions

Wokingham Borough Council response to the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011-2033

10/01/2018 - Wokingham Borough Council response to the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011-2033

That the Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Highways agrees that Wokingham Borough Council submits the attached appendices as formal responses to the plan which:


1)    Object to the plan on the basis of soundness in relation to:


a)    The omission of a safeguarded route for a new Thames Crossing within the plan;


2)    Support South Oxfordshire District Council’s commitment to plan for its own housing need in full.


3)    Support SODC’s commitment to meeting a proportion of Oxford City Council’s (OCC) unmet housing need as well as its commitment to an early review of this plan, which will ensure that the scale of OCC’s unmet need, which will be quantified within a future local plan of its own, is fully met within the Housing Market Area.