Agenda item

Emotional Health and Wellbeing Strategy performance scorecard update- July 2016

To receive the Emotional Health and Wellbeing Strategy performance scorecard (15 mins)


Board members received the Emotional Health and Wellbeing Strategy performance scorecard update – July 2016.


During the discussion of this item the following points were made:


·         Sally Murray indicated that with regards to Tier 3 services, referrals were still increasing in line with the national picture. 

·         There was early evidence that the referral rate in Wokingham was beginning to slow, probably due to the impact of the multiagency approach taken to Tier 2 referrals via the health hub in Wokingham.

·         There were fewer waiting for specialist CAHMS services and the number of young people receiving treatment was increasing as a result of additional capacity.

·         The number waiting for specialist care pathways in Wokingham had decreased over the last 6 months. 

·         Board members were reminded that there was an element of patient choice and that some families chose to wait longer for personal reasons, such as holidays.

·         The CCG as commissioner of Tier 3 services had set the Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust local stretch targets.

·         The report detailed progress made to date against initiatives since October 2015 and further work required from 2016-17.

·         Brian Grady indicated that the Early Help Hub had helped to reduce the number of those waiting for Tier 2 services.

·         Data regarding young people in care who were supported had not been made available.  Brian Grady would request that this was circulated to the Board.  However, he was not aware of issues in this area.

·         Sally Murray indicated that the other Berkshire West authorities wished to work with young people who were presenting as the most at risk across the system.  There was an opportunity for a whole systems piece of work in 2016-17.

·         The current waiting times for Tier 3 for Berkshire West data as of 30 June 2016 were noted.   Nick Campbell-White asked about waiting times for Wokingham and was informed that the data was only received at a Berkshire West level.

·         Nick Campbell-White asked about waiting times for Tier 2 and was informed that there were 13 waiting for primary CAMHS who were not in the Early Help Hub.  Councillor McGhee-Sumner asked why this was and was informed that it was the result of capacity, although improvements had been made. 

·         Nick Campbell- White expressed concern that children were picked up at an early enough stage and stressed the importance of the involvement of schools.

·         Sally Murray suggested that the Board may wish to look at counselling referral rates.  For Q1 the ARC referral rates were on track.  ARC had been asked to see 250 0-25 year olds and had seen 271 in Q1.  Workshops would be run on peer mentoring.

·         Councillor Bray asked about referrals to Tier 4.  Sally Murray indicated that Tier 4 services were commissioned by NHS England and that she did not have this data available.  However, she would ensure that the data was circulated to Board members.

·         In response to a question from Clare Rebbeck, Sally Murray clarified that training would also be available to the voluntary sector. 

·         Councillor McGhee Sumner asked whether the trajectory for waiting times was similar nationally.  Sally Murray commented that Wokingham was ahead of many areas.  A national benchmarking exercise had been undertaken in January and the results were awaited.


RESOLVED:  That the Emotional Health and Wellbeing Strategy performance scorecard update – July 2016 be noted.

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