Agenda item

Application Nos 190914, 191068 & 192325 South Wokingham Strategy Development Location (SDL)

RECOMMENDATION: For Information Only



Proposal: Application No 190914: Outline application with all matters reserved except for principal means of access to the highways, for up to 215 dwellings, public open space, play areas, associated infrastructure and landscaping. To be read in conjunction with applications 190900 & 191068.

Application No 191068: Hybrid planning application (part outline/part detailed) comprising an outline application with all matters reserved except principal means of access to the highways, for a mixed use development of up to 1,434 dwellings, a two-form entry primary school, local centre (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and D1 including community building D1/D2), public open space, play areas and associated infrastructure and landscaping; and a full application for the proposed Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG), associated landscaping and temporary car park. – To be read in conjunction with applications 190900 & 190914.

Application No 192325: Hybrid Planning application (part outline/part full) comprising

outline application with all matters reserved for up to 171 no. dwellings, public open space and associated infrastructure and full application for Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG).


Applicant: Kingacre Estates Ltd, Keir Ventures Ltd and Miller Homes Ltd and Charles Church Developments Ltd


The Committee considered a report on this application, set out in agenda pages 297 to 310 and the update Item No 78- Supplementary Agenda.


The Committee were advised that updates contained within the Supplementary Planning Agenda included:

·         A change to the recommendations following legal advice.


Emy Circuit, case officer, explained to Members that following legal advice, the recommendations had been changed to making a formal decision, as opposed to noting an update.


Councillor Smith sought clarity on the delivery of the school and asked whether that would now be paid for by developers rather than by the Council.  The case officer confirmed that this was the case. Councillor Smith urged the building to commence as quickly as possible. Connor Corrigan told Members that the plan was to be building houses in a years’ time.


Councillor Skuse queried how the negotiations took place to allow the developers to pay for parts of the development that were originally going to be paid for by the Council. The case officer explained that the developer’s interest was such that they were dependent on the delivery of the road to start the building.


Councillor Shepherd-Dubey asked that the school and the community facility be made as separate entities. Connor Corrigan assured Members that they would be two separate buildings and lessons had been learnt from the past.


Councillor Cornish urged developers to start development as soon as possible.


It was proposed by Councillor Cornish and seconded by Councillor Shepherd-Dubey to approve the officer recommendations.



RESOLVED: That recommendations for applications 190914, 191068 and 192325 be approved subject to:


1. In addition to the resolution to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION on the 18th May 2021 for application 190914 that the committee authorise that the existing GRANT OF PLANNING PERMISSION is also subject to the following:


A. The revised terms and mechanism as set out in this report for securing delivery of the school (including triggers and scale), community facility (including triggers and scale) and allotments in the s106 agreement; and

B. AUTHORISE the Assistant Director – Place and Growth to agree revisions to conditions and informatives as set out in this report and to any further required additions, revisions and updates to conditions and informatives

between the resolution of the Planning Committee on 18 May 2021 and issue of the decision under delegated powers.


2. That the committee authorise the Head of Development Management to refuse planning permission in the event of an S106 agreement not being completed to secure the services and infrastructure within six months of the

date of the committee resolution (unless a longer period is agreed by the Head of Development Management in consultation with the Chairman of Planning Committee) due to failure to secure the necessary infrastructure impact mitigation.



1. In addition to the resolution to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION on the 18th May 2021 for application 191068 that the committee authorise that the existing GRANT OF PLANNING PERMISSION is also subject to the following:

A. The revised terms and mechanism as set out in this report for securing delivery of the school (including triggers and scale), community facility (including triggers and scale) and allotments in the s106 agreement; and

B. AUTHORISE the Assistant Director – Place and Growth to agree revisions to conditions and informatives as set out in this report and to any further required additions, revisions and updates to conditions and informatives

between the resolution of the Planning Committee on 18 May 2021 and issue of the decision under delegated powers.

2. The committee authorise the Head of Development Management to refuse planning permission in the event of an S106 agreement not being completed to secure the services and infrastructure within six months of the date of the

committee resolution (unless a longer period is agreed by the Head of Development Management in consultation with the Chairman of Planning

Committee) due to failure to secure the necessary infrastructure impact mitigation.



1. In addition to the resolution to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION on the 9th March 2022 for application 192325 that the committee authorise that the

existing GRANT OF PLANNING PERMISSION is also subject to the following:

A. The revised terms and mechanism as set out in this report for securing delivery of the school (including triggers and scale), community facility (including triggers and scale) and allotments in the s106 agreement; and

B. AUTHORISE the Assistant Director – Place and Growth to agree revisions to conditions and informatives as set out in this report and to any further required additions, revisions and updates to conditions and informatives between the resolution of the Planning Committee on 9 March 2022 and issue of the decision under delegated powers.

2. The committee authorise the Head of Development Management to refuse planning permission in the event of an S106 agreement not being completed to secure the services and infrastructure within six months of the date of the

committee resolution (unless a longer period is agreed by the Head of Development Management in consultation with the Chairman of Planning

Committee) due to failure to secure the necessary infrastructure impact mitigation.


Supporting documents: