Agenda item

Motion 511 submitted by Prue Bray

‘This Council notes the key conclusions from the Marmot Review “Fair Society, Healthy Lives” that


·       Reducing health inequalities is a matter of fairness and social justice

·       There is a social gradient in health – the lower a person’s social position, the worse their health

·       Health inequalities result from social inequalities. Action on health inequalities requires action across all the building blocks of health and wellbeing.

·       Focusing solely on the most disadvantaged will not reduce health inequalities sufficiently. To reduce the steepness of the social gradient in health, actions must be universal (for all), but with a scale and intensity that is proportionate to the level of disadvantage.

·       Action taken to reduce health inequalities will benefit society in many ways, including economic benefits

·       The fair distribution of health, well-being and sustainability are important social goals. Tackling

social inequalities in health and tackling climate change must go together


and the 6 policy objectives, known as the “Marmot principles”, which are


·       Give every child the best start in life

·       Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives

·       Create fair employment and good work for all

·       Ensure healthy standard of living for all

·       Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities

·       Strengthen the role and impact of ill-health prevention


Wokingham Borough Council is an affluent borough but not everyone in the borough is thriving, overall wealth can obscure the pockets of deprivation and relative inequalities that persist in the Borough. 


Many of these principles are reflected in the work of the Council and building an approach based on drawing together what already exists will begin the journey to becoming a “Marmot Borough.


Council asks the Director of Public Health to proceed with the work to shape this approach with the aim of becoming a Marmot Borough focused on the principles outlined above, reporting on progress to the Health and Wellbeing Board. Council asks that during the course of this approach, where there are any financial implications for the Council, these are to be reported to the Executive and the Corporate Leadership Team for consideration.’


Chief Finance Officer comment:

There are no direct financial implications arising from this motion.


The Chief Finance Officer comments are purely an assessment of the Financial Implications associated with the Motion as written and are not an opinion on the policy direction or intention contained within them.



Council considered the following Motion, proposed by Councillor Prue Bray and seconded by Councillor Phil Cunnington.


‘This Council notes the key conclusions from the Marmot Review “Fair Society, Healthy Lives” that


·       Reducing health inequalities is a matter of fairness and social justice

·       There is a social gradient in health – the lower a person’s social position, the worse their health

·       Health inequalities result from social inequalities. Action on health inequalities requires action across all the building blocks of health and wellbeing.

·       Focusing solely on the most disadvantaged will not reduce health inequalities sufficiently. To reduce the steepness of the social gradient in health, actions must be universal (for all), but with a scale and intensity that is proportionate to the level of disadvantage.

·       Action taken to reduce health inequalities will benefit society in many ways, including economic benefits

·       The fair distribution of health, well-being and sustainability are important social goals. Tackling

social inequalities in health and tackling climate change must go together


and the 6 policy objectives, known as the “Marmot principles”, which are


·       Give every child the best start in life

·       Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives

·       Create fair employment and good work for all

·       Ensure healthy standard of living for all

·       Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities

·       Strengthen the role and impact of ill-health prevention


Wokingham Borough Council is an affluent borough but not everyone in the borough is thriving, overall wealth can obscure the pockets of deprivation and relative inequalities that persist in the Borough. 


Many of these principles are reflected in the work of the Council and building an approach based on drawing together what already exists will begin the journey to becoming a “Marmot Borough.


Council asks the Director of Public Health to proceed with the work to shape this approach with the aim of becoming a Marmot Borough focused on the principles outlined above, reporting on progress to the Health and Wellbeing Board. Council asks that during the course of this approach, where there are any financial implications for the Council, these are to be reported to the Executive and the Corporate Leadership Team for consideration.’


Councillor Andy Croy emphasised the impact of austerity on the Marmot principles.


A number of Members spoke in support of the approach set out in the Motion.


Upon being put to the vote it was:


RESOLVED:  That this Council notes the key conclusions from the Marmot Review “Fair Society, Healthy Lives” that


·       Reducing health inequalities is a matter of fairness and social justice

·       There is a social gradient in health – the lower a person’s social position, the worse their health

·       Health inequalities result from social inequalities. Action on health inequalities requires action across all the building blocks of health and wellbeing.

·       Focusing solely on the most disadvantaged will not reduce health inequalities sufficiently. To reduce the steepness of the social gradient in health, actions must be universal (for all), but with a scale and intensity that is proportionate to the level of disadvantage.

·       Action taken to reduce health inequalities will benefit society in many ways, including economic benefits

·       The fair distribution of health, well-being and sustainability are important social goals. Tackling

social inequalities in health and tackling climate change must go together


and the 6 policy objectives, known as the “Marmot principles”, which are


·       Give every child the best start in life

·       Enable all children, young people and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives

·       Create fair employment and good work for all

·       Ensure healthy standard of living for all

·       Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities

·       Strengthen the role and impact of ill-health prevention


Wokingham Borough Council is an affluent borough but not everyone in the borough is thriving, overall wealth can obscure the pockets of deprivation and relative inequalities that persist in the Borough. 


Many of these principles are reflected in the work of the Council and building an approach based on drawing together what already exists will begin the journey to becoming a “Marmot Borough.


Council asks the Director of Public Health to proceed with the work to shape this approach with the aim of becoming a Marmot Borough focused on the principles outlined above, reporting on progress to the Health and Wellbeing Board. Council asks that during the course of this approach, where there are any financial implications for the Council, these are to be reported to the Executive and the Corporate Leadership Team for consideration.