Agenda item

Presentation by the Youth Council

To receive a presentation on the work of the Youth Council.


Council considered a presentation by the Youth Council. Members of the Youth Council, Holly Mackinnon (Chair), Anika Dixit and Presley Shearer attended the meeting to deliver the presentation and answer Member questions.


The presentation stated that young people were becoming more involved in local decision making. After positive engagement through the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Youth Politics Event, Wokingham Youth Council had decided an important next step in encouraging the youth voice in Wokingham was to put into writing ideas to improve the Borough – the Youth Charter. The charter was not a list of complaints; it was a detailed plan to improve the quality of life for young people. It was a manifesto for change in how young people and adult decision makers could collaborate to create a better Wokingham Borough.


The Youth Charter included a number of proposals, including:


·         more consistent youth engagement with local decision makers and young people through the Youth Council;

·         the creation of a Youth Portal Online Careers and Enrichment Platform for all young people in Wokingham;

·         the return of youth clubs across the Borough to promote a sense of security and community for young people;

·         introduction of an annual Culture Day, including exhibitions, stalls and talks from local equality groups;

·         more affordable bus services across the Borough, with affordable fares for young people.


Following the presentation, Members asked the questions set out below:


Councillor Andrew Mickleburgh



I was wondering if our Youth Council is aware of what could be a great opportunity to broaden its interaction with others and its increase its impacts – locally and nationally. Specifically, I have been very impressed with information I have read about the British Youth Council. British Youth Council | Home (


The British Youth Council is a national network of almost 200 youth -focused organisations, including some Youth Councils, working together to empower young people to be involved in decision making, and to develop themselves as leaders and advocates.


I am sure Wokingham Youth Council could use its experience to contribute massively if it chose to join the British Youth Council and that membership would bring benefits locally. Is this membership something that has already been explored and if not, whether our Youth Council might wish to explore possible membership? 



Holly Mackinnon confirmed that the local Youth Council was already a member of the British Youth Council. Holly and another member had attended the Youth Con which contributed to the Food for Learning Bill, to be debated by the Youth Parliament in the House of Commons Chamber on 17 November 2023.


Councillor Prue Bray

The Youth Charter is welcomed and will be circulated to all Members after the meeting. In the meantime, when are you going to invite me to talk to the Youth Council? I would be delighted to do that.



Holly Mackinnon confirmed that Councillor Bray was welcome to attend the next meeting of the Youth Council. Any other Members interested in attending a meeting would also be welcome.


Councillor Stephen Conway thanked the Youth Council members for the presentation and confirmed that the Council would welcome more consistent and frequent engagement. The Council would also be happy to support the type of community events set out in the Youth Charter.


Councillor Keith Baker stated that Woodley Town Council was in the process of developing a Youth Strategy and invited the Youth Council to nominate a representative to sit on the relevant group.




1)    Holly Mackinnon, Anika Dixit and Presley Shearer be thanked for attending the meeting to deliver the Youth Charter presentation and answer Member questions;


2)    the Youth Charter presentation be noted and be used to inform the Council’s strategic decision making.