Agenda item

David McMullen asked the Executive Member for Climate Emergency and Resident Services the following question:




A commitment to increased working from home has been a part of the Climate Emergency Action Plan agreed by this Council in 2020, 2021, 2022 and, hopefully, 2023.


Could the Executive Member remind us of the environmental advantages that come from staff who can, work from home?




"A commitment to increased working from home has been a part of the Climate Emergency Action Plan agreed by this Council in 2020, 2021, 2022 and, hopefully, 2023.


Could the Executive Member remind us of the environmental advantages that come from staff who can, working from home?



Thank you for your question, David.


The Modern Workforce Policy is the approach that the Council is taking to how we ensure our workforce has the capacity and capability to deliver the priorities of the Council including our approach to flexible working.  The Policy recognises the diversity of the services the Council delivers, and that one size does not fit all.  Whilst the policy encourages flexibility, the needs of our residents and the service being delivered is at the heart of everything.  The advantages of a flexible and agile approach include being able to respond to residents needs more readily while being a flexible employer able to attract talent from further afield.  The outcomes of the policy will have a positive impact on colleague wellbeing and enable the Council to play its part in our ongoing commitment to supporting those in need most, protecting the environment and indeed supporting the climate emergency agenda.


The immediate environmental advantages include reduced air pollution and carbon emissions at a local level.  In terms of our Climate Emergency Action Plan, it is estimated that annual carbon savings of 405.42 tCO2e from a pre-Covid baseline will be achieved from staff working from home.  This reduction in emissions contributes towards the overall goals of the Plan of reducing the negative impacts from climate change, both locally and globally. In terms of reduced air pollution, cleaner air means people live longer and suffer less from chronic illnesses meaning a better quality of life.  This in turn reduces pressures on an already struggling NHS. 


Reducing unnecessary travel into and out of the Council’s offices to the minimum ensures positive environmental benefits and that we make responsible choices allowing technology and modern ways of working to be used to the maximum.


Supplementary Question:

Given what Councillor Rance proposed with the following question which said ‘Covid has been and gone but the Liberal Democrats of Wokingham Borough Council clearly believe in allowing their employees to swap the office for the lounge at home.  The public sector’s most important role should be delivering effective services for the taxpayer, not helping workers to have more leisure time in their tracksuits.  The public should be receiving decent service instead of the Liberal Democrat Council having raised council tax, cancelled bin collections.  When will all the Council staff be back at their office desks serving residents rather than enjoying a relaxed home atmosphere?’


Could the Executive please confirm, how much time each Councillor spends writing questions like Councillor Rance’s in the Council Chambers or from the comfort of their own home?


Supplementary Answer:

That is really hard for me to answer, in terms of there are so many different questions asked.  There are multiple processes which have to be gone through.  A number of officers have to spend quite a bit of time formulating answers, some are quicker than others, some can take several hours, and potentially days depending on what is being asked but it does take a lot of time which is taken away from delivering on services.