Agenda item

Domestic Abuse Policy refresh

To consider the Domestic Abuse Policy refresh.


The Board considered the Domestic Abuse Policy refresh.


During the discussion of this item, the following points were made:


·       Louise Livingston indicated that the Council had had a Domestic Abuse Policy in place for some time.  It had been reviewed to highlight support for those experiencing domestic abuse, and also how the Council would deal with perpetrators of domestic abuse. Guidance was provided for managers.

·       Statistics stated that approximately 5.5% of employees (around 74 people) could be experiencing domestic abuse.

·       The refresh was in line with the Council working towards accreditation for the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance.  Whilst HR had produced the policy, support had been received from Community Safety.

·       Pauline Helliar-Symons commented that no reference was made to posters being used to publicise the policy and guidance.  In addition, the advice to managers did not indicate how to support people moving out of their home and how to do so. Sally Halliwell confirmed that posters would be part of the campaign.  Louise Livingston added that the policy signposted employees living both inside and outside of the Borough, to support that they could access.

·       Rachel Bishop-Firth commented that people could be at their most vulnerable when they were looking to leave or had initially left their abuser.

·       Pauline Jorgensen praised the document and indicated that it had also been presented to Overview and Scrutiny.  She suggested that it would be useful to split up the guidance and to send links to Members, so that they could best support residents who may be experiencing domestic abuse.  Sally Watkins suggested information could be provided which could be included in the Member Development Programme for new Members and also circulated to current Members.  The Board agreed that Members should be reminded not to leave the information with people, potentially putting them in danger.

·       Pauline Jorgensen went on to ask how much the accreditation would cost and what benefits the Council would receive from it.  Louise Livingston agreed to provide a written answer.

·       Prue Bray was pleased to note that the policy stated that managers should not encourage staff experiencing domestic abuse to leave their situation and that this must be their own decision.  She went on to state that post separation abuse and trauma from abuse were also issues that managers needed to be aware of and be able to address.

·       Rachel Bishop-Firth commented that the policy and guidance would be publicly available, and asked what could be done to boost understanding with partner organisations.  Sally Watkins indicated that the Voluntary Sector Action Group would consider the policy and work had been undertaken in conjunction with the Community Safety team.  Residents could also access the Cranstoun service.

·       Members questioned whether support phone lines were available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Sally Watkins indicated that officers would look into this and update the information.

·       Rachel Bishop-Firth commented that the scope used was quite generic to HR policies and questioned whether this could be revisited.


RESOLVED:  That the revision to the Domestic Abuse Workplace Policy for line managers and staff be approved so that the Council can progress its accreditation with the DAHA (Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance).

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