Agenda and minutes

Wokingham Borough Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday, 8th October, 2015 5.00 pm

Venue: Civic Offices, Shute End, Wokingham RG40 1BN

Contact: Madeleine Shopland  Principal Democratic Services Officer

No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were submitted from Councillor Keith Baker, Nick Campbell-White, Chief Inspector Rob France, Dr Lise Llewellyn, Nikki Luffingham and Dr Cathy Winfield.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 194 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 August 2015.



The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 13 August 2015 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


It was noted that Darrell Gale, Helene Dyson, Dean Corcoran, Sarah Griffiths and Jenny Selim had attended the meeting.


Declaration of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest made.


Public Question Time

To answer any public questions


A period of 30 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions submitted under notice.


The Council welcomes questions from members of the public about the work of this Board.


Subject to meeting certain timescales, questions can relate to general issues concerned with the work of the Board or an item which is on the Agenda for this meeting.  For full details of the procedure for submitting questions please contact the Democratic Services Section on the numbers given below or go to


There were no public questions.


Member Question Time

To answer any member questions


There were no Member questions.




Performance metrics pdf icon PDF 228 KB

To receive updates on performance against the following:

· Better Care Fund;

· Public Health Outcomes Framework, NHS and Adult Social Care,

· Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2014-17.


Please note that this will be by exception only.

(15 mins)


The Health and Wellbeing Board considered the Performance Metrics.


During the discussion of this item the following points were made:


·         Although showing as amber the ‘Number of patients going through reablement’ performance indicator had significantly improved.  Stuart Rowbotham felt that this was the result of the colocation of the reablement services. Further improvements were expected when the Service Manager took up their post in November.

·         In response to a question from Councillor Bray, Stuart Rowbotham explained the Adult Social Care User Experience Survey questions performance indicators.

·         Councillor Bray asked whether the Council was looking for the number of adult safeguarding referrals to increase or decrease and was informed that a balance was being sought between over and under reporting.  Clare Rebbeck asked whether where the referral came from and if there were areas where reporting was low, was measured.  Stuart Rowbotham commented that the data was not measured this way but that this data was held.

·         In response to a question regarding the ‘Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) recovery rate’ performance indicator, Dr Zylstra explained that an anxiety score and a depression score was taken from those entering IAPT, every two weeks.  As the person recovered the score would decrease.

·         Councillor Haitham Taylor queried why the benchmark for the ‘Total non-elective admissions in to hospital (general & acute), all-age’ performance indicator varied so widely from estimated and actual performance figures for the period.  The Board was informed that the benchmark had been set against 2012-13 figures when Wokingham had been the top performer in the country for this indicator, which would have been very challenging to maintain.  Wokingham was currently in the top quartile for this indicator.  It was suggested that the benchmark figures and how the performance indicators could link more strongly to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, should be considered at a future meeting.

·         It was noted that the Hospital @ Home project had not worked as well as had been hoped for.  The work force recruited for this project were being deployed differently and there was a greater focus on care homes and nursing homes.  Teams would go into the home to treat an individual and it was hoped that this would reduce hospital admissions.


RESOLVED:  That the Performance Metrics be noted.


Better Care Fund Quarterly Return to Department of Health Quarter 1 2015 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

To note the Better Care Fund return. (10 mins)

Additional documents:


The Board considered Wokingham’s Better Care Fund quarterly return to the Department of Health for Quarter 1 2015.


During the discussion of this item the following points were made:


·         There had been no significant issues identified.

·         Tony Allen noted that an underspend of approximately £0.5m was forecasted for Q1 and an overspend forecasted for Q4.  He questioned the reason for the underspend.  Stuart Rowbotham indicated that the Better Care Fund had commenced 1 April and that not all projects had been fully ready at that stage.  The Section 75 agreement detailed what would happen if there were an underspend, although it was anticipated that this would not be the case at the end of the year.  The Better Care Fund pooled budgets were held in two section 75 agreements, one managed locally by the Council and one managed by the CCG which covered Berkshire West.  Board members were reminded that the Wokingham Integration Strategic Partnership managed the Section 75 agreement and received monthly updates on the project spends. 

·         Funding for the Better Care Fund was recurrent.

·         Councillor Haitham Taylor asked about the condition that the NHS Number be used as the primary identifier for health and care services.  Katie Summers commented that health and care services used the NHS Number to match people to their health records.  In October 80% of people in Wokingham had been matched with an NHS number.  This percentage was influenced by issues such as people moving in and out of the area and it was anticipated that this percentage would increase.  Those who did not have an NHS number, for example overseas visitors, and who required treatment, could be assigned a temporary NHS number if required.


RESOLVED:  That the content of Wokingham’s Better Care Fund quarterly return to the Department of Health (DoH) for Quarter 1 of 2015 be noted.


Health and Wellbeing


Local Transformation Plan for Children and Young people's Mental Health and Wellbeing pdf icon PDF 338 KB

To receive a report regarding Local Transformation Plan for Children and Young people’s Mental Health and Wellbeing (20 mins)

Additional documents:


Brian Grady, Head of Strategic Commissioning presented the Local Transformation Plan for Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing.


During the discussion of this item the following points were made:


·         The Transformation plan was an NHS England requirement for system wide transformation over 5 years with plans signed off by Health and Wellbeing Boards before additional recurrent funding was released to CCGs.  The Plan outlined Wokingham’s ambitions for children’s emotional health and wellbeing and built on the Early Help and Innovation Strategy and Emotional Wellbeing Strategy.  The Strategy identified a number of rapid improvement actions whilst the Plan outlined action for next 3-5 years.

·         Councillor Bray questioned if each action had an action plan and metrics and was informed that they did.  The draft Transformation Plan had previously been sent to NHS England and positive feedback had been received.

·         Councillor Bray questioned why eating disorders had been specifically referred to whilst bullying and alcohol issues had not.  Brian Grady commented that they were explicit in the Strategy and Dr Zylstra explained that eating disorder services were commissioned separately.

·         Stuart Rowbotham asked how people could find out what was in the Strategy and Plan.  Judith Ramsden questioned how Board members could help promote them.

·         Darrell Gale, on behalf of Dr Llewellyn, commented that the Plan detailed links to the Early Help offer but that support for children who were not known to services was not obvious in the Plan.  Dr Zylstra commented that the Plan set out pathways but not how to get onto a pathway.  Brian Grady indicated that this could be made clearer in the Early Help and Innovation Strategy and the Emotional Wellbeing Strategy. 

·         The Board discussed the common point of entry.

·         It was clarified that SHaRON was a self-help website.

·         In response to a question from Councillor Bray regarding the tracking template to monitor and review progress, Brian Grady indicated that the CCG was federated and that there was a Berkshire West CAMHS Group.  The different local authorities and CCG’s shared the same intentions with some nuances. 

·         Beverley Graves questioned whether links had been established with Elevate as a source of information, and asked that the service map in the Emotional Wellbeing Strategy include Elevate.


RESOLVED:  That the proposed plan be endorsed prior to its submission for approval at regional level on the 16th October 2015.



School readiness pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To receive an update on the impact of school readiness. (10 mins)

Additional documents:


Board members received a report on school readiness.


During the discussion of this item the following points were made.


·         School readiness was an essential factor in ensuring that children could be well prepared to start school.  The key aim was to ensure that all children met their development milestones on transition to pre-school, nursey, reception and Year One. 

·         The Good Level Development target had improved which bucked the national trend.

·         Councillor Bray commented that a clear reviewing mechanism was in place.  Judith Ramsden suggested that the Board be updated annually.

·         Councillor Bray noted that the under the ‘responsibilities’ section of the action plan officers had been identified by their first name only.  Judith Ramsden indicated that it was a working document but that she would feed back the comment.

·         Kevin Ward asked how Wokingham compared nationally with regards to school readiness.  Judith Ramsden emphasised that in the past Wokingham had not performed as well but in the last academic year there had been a good level of improvement.  There were further improvements which the Council would be working towards.  Kevin Ward asked whether this was covered in the action plan.  Judith Ramsden offered to circulate further information. 

·         Councillor Haitham Taylor emphasised that it would be helpful to have a summary of what had been achieved, as a lot of positive work had been carried out.


RESOLVED:  That the actions identified be noted and supported.


Organisation and Governance


Update from Board Members

To receive updates on the work of the following Health and Wellbeing Board members:

·         Healthwatch Wokingham Borough;

·         Business, Skills and Enterprise Partnership;

·         Community Safety Partnership;

·         Place and Community Partnership


(15 mins)



Healthwatch Wokingham Borough:


·         Tony Allen informed the Board that following the work that Healthwatch Wokingham Borough had undertaken with St Crispin’s School on how young people felt, Healthwatch was working with some students to develop an emotional health app.  Judith Ramsden commented that an app was being developed as part of the work coming out of the Emotional Health and Wellbeing Strategy.  She went on to question whether there was duplication. 

·         Kevin Ward asked whether social funding had been sought to fund the development of the app.

·         It was noted that the Piggott School had approached Healthwatch Wokingham Borough about undertaking a similar piece of work.  However, there was not currently sufficient funding or resources. 

·         Healthwatch Wokingham Borough was also looking to appoint a young person to its Board to provide a young person’s perspective.

·         The Healthwatch Board had received a presentation on CAMHS from Louise Noble and Sally Murray.

·         UllaKarin Clark had been appointed as Volunteer Coordinator.

·         Board members were informed of the Enter and Views undertaken at Suffolk Lodge and Westmead Day Centre.

·         Tony Allen referred to a video which had been made in a volunteer driver’s car.  Councillor McGhee Sumner questioned whether the purpose of the video was to make suggestions for improvement. 

·         Clare Rebbeck commented that the Wokingham Volunteer Transport Forum had looked at parking at the Royal Berkshire Hospital and spaces for volunteer drivers. 

·         Kevin Ward asked whether the work linked into that being undertaken in relation to ‘Future’ in Mind.’  Judith Ramsden indicated that it currently did not but that further consideration could be given to this.


Business, Skills and Enterprise Partnership:


·         Beverley Graves advised the Board that a meeting would be taking place with the Elevate Partnership Steering Group in October.

·         It was anticipated that a draft Economic Development Strategy would be available from December.  This would potentially have implications for the future of the partnership.


Community Safety Partnership:


·         Andy Couldrick reported that crime rates remained low.

·         The Partnership had recently discussed the Police and Council’s response to traveller incursions.

·         The Partnership was about to launch the Young Person’s Survey on Community Safety, the results of which would be fed back to the Board.  Councillor Bray expressed concern that in the past not all schools had participated fully in the survey.  Judith Ramsden commented that links between schools and the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board had strengthened. 

·         There had been engagement with the Home Office regarding a domestic homicide review which had been undertaken.

·         The Partnership had considered the proposal of Thames Valley Police to merge the Wokingham and Bracknell police areas.  The need for efficiencies was recognised but there were concerns that elements which were currently working well be preserved going forward.


Place and Community Partnership:


·         Kevin Ward informed the Board that the Partnership would be making a presentation on 22 October on ensuring that its voice was heard, to the Deputy Executive Member for Regeneration and Communities.

·         Kevin Ward raised the ongoing issue of the support that he required to be Chairman  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.


Update from the Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Organisation Involve

To receive an update on Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Organisation Involve and plans for Community Learning events, Voluntary Sector Business Workshops and the Community Navigator role and Launch event. (10 mins)


Clare Rebbeck updated the Board on the Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Organisation Involve.


During the discussion of this item the following points were made:


·         Board members were encouraged to view the video on You Tube regarding the Wokingham Transport Forum.  Clare Rebbeck offered to circulate the link.  Dr Zylstra commented that it would be helpful if the GP practices could be sent a list of the volunteer transport providers as the criteria for transporting patients by ambulance had recently been tightened.

·         Involve provided infrastructure support for charities, faith and community groups based or delivering services in Wokingham and Bracknell Forest and offered information, communication, development, funding and training support.

·         Involve was hosting the new Community Navigator’s project which was funded by the Better Care Fund as part of the Neighbourhood Clusters scheme.  Further information regarding funding for this post was anticipated.  The Board discussed the Community Navigator role in some detail.  Dr Zylstra commented that it was a new position and could be developed.  Katie Summers suggested that a briefing regarding the Community Navigator role be provided at a forthcoming meeting.  Volunteers from GP practices and further Community Navigators would be recruited in the future.

·         Involve were hosting a series of community awareness events.  The first one would be held on 2 November and would focus on an update on Community Plans and how to get involved. 

·         The Council had planned a pop up event on Child Sexual Exploitation for November with a week of action for professionals.  Involve would host a follow up event on Child Safeguarding in February. 

·         A joint event was being held with Bracknell in June.  The CQC and Healthwatch had been invited to explain their roles and how residents could get involved following the local inspection of Wexham Park Hospital.

·         Board members were invited to recommend any topics of interest which they would like to hold events on, for the meetings in May, September and November 2016.


RESOLVED:  That the update from the Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Organisation Involve be noted.


National Information Board - Local Digital Roadmap pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To receive a report on the National Information Board – Local Digital Roadmap.(10 mins)


The Board received a report regarding the National Information Board (NIB) – Local Digital Roadmap.


During the discussion of this item the following points were made:


·         In November 2014 NIB had agreed strategic priorities for digital health and care.  These included ensuring that professionals in primary care, urgent and emergency care and in other key transitions of care scenarios would operate with paper-free integrated records by 2018 and that all health and care professionals would be paper-free at the point of care, using integrated digital care records by 2020.

·         Local areas would be asked to begin the process to produce a local strategy and a Local Digital Roadmap for integrated digital care record keeping. 

·         By April 2016 local health and care economies were expected to submit a local digital roadmap through coordination by Clinical Commissioning Groups with sign off to include Health and Wellbeing Boards.

·         Local areas were required to submit a ‘digital footprint,’ the governance for the digital roadmap, by the end of October 2015.  The Board noted the health and care organisations which the proposed governance footprint would incorporate.  Katie Summers commented that some of these partners would also be part of the Berkshire East footprint or the Thames Valley footprint.  The aspirations would be shared with and ratified by the Health and Wellbeing Board.

·         The CQC and Monitor would monitor the digital roadmaps from 2016-17.

·         All CQC providers would be expected to undertake a digital maturity index, a self-assessment to assess their readiness and ability to go paper free and if appropriate infrastructure was in place to enable this.  Board members expressed concern that expectations regarding the digital maturity index were likely to be announced in November and the indexes due for completion by January. 

·         Board members were of the view that it would be difficult to achieve a paper frees system by the proposed deadline.  Dr Zylstra emphasised that it was the intention to be paper free at the point of care not for the system to be entirely paper free.

·         Councillor Haitham Taylor questioned what would happen in an emergency such as a largescale IT failure and was informed that business continuity arrangements would be built into the roadmaps.

·         It was confirmed that there would not be national software.  Councillor Bray asked how the Board could be assured that the local system would be able to connect with other areas’ systems.

·         A number of Board members requested sight of a risk assessment.


RESOLVED:  That the recommendation for the production of the Local Digital Road Map based on the Berkshire West Footprint be noted.


Health and Wellbeing Board Peer Review pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To receive a report on the Local Government Association Peer Challenge.

(10 mins)


The Board considered a report on the Local Government Association Health and Wellbeing Board Peer Review.


During the discussion of this item the following points were made:


·         The Board was advised that a Health and Wellbeing Peer Review would enable the Board to reflect on and improve the way it worked and made an impact.  It would also provide an opportunity to reflect on how well it was meeting its responsibilities and if it was operating effectively.

·         It was intended that the review would comprise three Health and Wellbeing Boards:  Wokingham, Reading and West Berkshire, the first time that a multi Board review had been carried out.  The benefit of this approach was that in addition to three individual Health and Wellbeing Board Reports and Recommendations, the Peer Review would also include recommendations in the context of common areas across Berkshire West and identify possible opportunities for collective working.

·         The review would take place on site and over 4/4.5 days.  It was likely to take place in early March 2016.

·         It was emphasised that the review would require the availability and commitment of key stakeholders in order to be successful.  It was confirmed that individuals such as the Chairman, Directors and the Chief Executive would be expected to be heavily involved whilst other Board members were likely to be requested to participate in a one off interview.

·         Tony Allen asked how the Board could better involve the public in its work.  Darrell Gale emphasised that public engagement tended to vary by geography and the items on the agenda.  Kevin Ward commented that Brighton was an example of good practice and that he would be attending one of their Board meetings in the near future to understand how they engaged with the public.




1)  the purpose and benefit of an LGA led Peer Review be noted;


2)  the proposed on-site dates – early to mid-March 2016 be noted;


3)  it be agreed to commission and take part in an LGA led Berkshire West peer challenge to include the Wokingham, Reading and West Berkshire Health and Wellbeing Boards.



Pharmacy Application pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To note NHS England response to a pharmacy application (5 mins).


The Board considered NHS England’s response to a pharmacy application offering unforeseen benefits within 100 metres of 95B Bean Oak Road, Wokingham.  It was noted that the Committee that had considered the application had concluded that the application should be refused.


RESOLVED:  That NHS England’s response to a pharmacy application be noted.


Forward Programme pdf icon PDF 154 KB

To consider the Board’s work programme for the remainder of the municipal year. (5 mins)


The Board considered the Forward Programme for the remainder of the municipal year.


During the discussion of this item the following points were made:


·         It was agreed that the following items would be taken to the Board’s December meeting; Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Connect Care Programme and the Children’s Disability Strategy.

·         It was agreed that the draft CCG Operating Plan would be taken to the Board’s February meeting.

·         It was agreed that the following items would be taken to the Board’s April meeting; the final CCG Operating Plan, Children and Young People’s Partnership – update on Early Health and Innovation Programme and National Information Board – Local Digital Roadmap.

·         It was suggested that an additional workshop regarding the Health and Wellbeing Strategy be held in late November and that non Board members who might be able to contribute to the production of the Strategy, also be invited.


RESOLVED:  That the Forward Programme 2015/16 be noted.