To establish a roadmap for improving the
prosperity of our town centres - linking in with the wider Economic
Development Strategy
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/06/2024
Decision due: 28 Nov 2024 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Economic Development, Sport, Leisure and the Arts - Mark Ashwell
Lead director: Director, Place and Growth - Giorgio Framalicco
Department: Place
Contact: Jenny Jones Email:
Consultation process
Produced residents and business survey,
presented at a range of partner and network groups and established
an internal stakeholder working party to progress actions
Town Centre Strategy, Executive Summary of the
Strategy and slide deck containing the key findings which I will
Reference Number: WBC 1438
Reason For Consideration: First iteration of this Strategy at the Council - key sub-strategy of the overarching Economic Development Strategy