To provide an updated strategy for the council
regarding matters related to economic development given that the
previous one is out of date.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/06/2024
Decision due: 28 Nov 2024 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Economic Development, Sport, Leisure and the Arts - Mark Ashwell
Lead director: Director, Place and Growth - Giorgio Framalicco
Department: Place
Contact: Dexter Levick Email:
Consultation process
Initial consultation sessions carried out both
with representatives from our local business community, as well
members from our Executive. An internal stakeholder working party
has also been established to progress the Action Plan related to
the strategy.
Economic Development Strategy, Executive
Summary of Strategy and slide deck which I will present that goes
through the key findings
Reference Number: WBC 1439
Reason For Consideration: Need to update the previous Economic Development Strategy due to it being out of date