5.2.13 Executive Member for Resident Services, Inclusion and Fighting Poverty
To oversee and take responsibility for the development of the Council’s policy and strategic response to both Poverty and Equalities within the Borough. This will include their drafting, stakeholder engagement and buy-in, and gaining approval of the Council’s Executive.
To develop and implement the Council’s human resources strategy, to ensure that all employees have performance objectives and targets, career development plans and appraisals.
To oversee all aspects of the Council’s human resources function, including oversight of proposed reports for the Personnel Board at draft stage, making recommendations for the improvement of the service.
To provide management direction for Community Engagement with all communities.
To increase the profile of the service teams in the community, working in conjunction with the Voluntary Sector, Town and Parish Councils and wider stakeholders.
To create a sense of shared purpose and vision with our Town and Parish councils, delivering a strong partnership approach to community and funding problems.
To optimise all income streams across the service identifying further monetisation opportunities to support the Councils support of the community and customer requirements.
To aid in managing, motivating, developing, coaching and appraising team members to maximise their individual and collective performance, fulfil their potential, embedding personal development to deliver a high-performance culture within the service(s).
To act as the primary press spokesperson on all matters relating to the whole of the Resident Services, Inclusion and Fighting Poverty portfolio.
To take on or transfer any other function, responsibility or role which the Leader may deem from time to time appropriate.
To work with all Executive Members to develop the Council’s external funding strategy to maximise income from government and other sources.
To take responsibility for overseeing the development of the contract procurement strategy within the Resident Services, Inclusion and Fighting Poverty portfolio, including ensuring corporate and consistent standards for monitoring and evaluation of such contracts, and paying attention to timeliness and value for money.
To be responsible for overseeing the Council’s IT function and re-design of the website.
To provide strategic direction for the following service areas; Libraries and Registrars.
To be responsible for developing the Council’s E-government strategy and for meeting government targets for electronic delivery of services.
To be responsible for advising the Executive on the development and performance of Customer Services.
To develop a daily information base for the Leader and Chief Executive on residents’ concerns and queries.