5.2.6. Leader of The Council and Executive Member for Housing, Partnerships and the Local Plan
To take responsibility and provide leadership for all the Council’s activities.
To appoint up to nine members of the Executive and Deputy Executive members as required (appointments to be on an annual basis).
To make all other appointments as required.
To make changes to the composition of the Executive within the municipal year as necessary.
To make changes and reallocations in the responsibilities of Executive and Deputy Executive Members within the municipal year as necessary.
To give specific responsibilities, targets, strategies and objectives to Executive Members, monitor their performance and make changes as necessary.
To present to the Executive the Forward Programme of Executive business covering no less than four months.
To ensure that the Forward Programme is updated monthly in accordance with statutory requirements.
To oversee and be responsible for policy co-ordination and strategy and for the preparation of the Council’s Corporate Strategy and Plan and its enumeration in the medium-term financial plan, for both the development of future Corporate Strategy and the operationalising and delivery of the current strategy as set out in the Corporate Delivery Plan, across the Council. To be responsible for the development, analysis and interpretation of both internal and external Insights that will enable the Council to make informed decisions for the delivery and continued relevance of the strategy to the residents and businesses across Wokingham Borough.
To work with the Chief Executive, Executive Directors, Directors, Assistant Directors, staff and Executive (and Deputy Executive Members if appointed) to achieve the Council’s Service Plans and meet the Council’s financial targets.
To be responsible for overseeing the production of the service plans of the Communications Service.
To promote and oversee the Council’s Communications and Marketing Strategy.
To seek to raise the profile of the Council in both a county, regional and national framework.
To lead on Member training and mentoring.
With the Chief Executive, to develop the Council’s organisation and to take responsibility for approving it.
To ensure that there is an appropriate level of consultation, communication and participation by residents, community groups, businesses, and public sector.
To chair the Shareholder Committee to oversee the operation of Council owned housing companies and their subsidiaries by working with the Holding Company, in order to deliver the Council’s ambition for the delivery of social housing and housing for residents on a median income and below to aspire to rent or buy.
To hold the Chief Executive to account for performance and implementation across the Council, including the actions of officers, whilst ensuring that, together with the Chief Executive, there is a healthy and productive relationship between Members and officers.
To hold regular meetings with the Chief Executive, Executive Directors, Directors and Assistant Directors to monitor their performance and the Council’s overall performance.
To attend whatever meetings are being held in the Council as the Leader deems necessary in order to gain understanding of all that is taking place.
To oversee and work with all Executive Members to develop the Council’s external funding strategy to maximise income from government and other sources.
To oversee the work of the Council’s Housing Services and ensure they are carried out efficiently and effectively.
To lead on the Commissioning Strategy for Housing.
To take responsibility for the development of new or revised Housing policies with due regard to corporate objectives, including equal opportunities and social inclusion.
To develop the Council’s strategy for the delivery of housing to meet different demographic needs, including affordable housing schemes.
To develop a strategy to ensure the availability of sites to support housing needs, including seeking external funding for development opportunities.
To take responsibility for overseeing the Affordable Housing Strategy and implementing the Council’s statutory housing functions; including responsibility for the overall management of the housing stock.
To work with and advise the affordable housing Working Group as to requirements.
To take responsibility for the preparation for and implementation of agreed action plans from inspections including Housing Inspectorate reviews.
To be responsible for Tenant Services including monitoring liaison with tenants through discussion with the Council’s representatives on the Tenant and Landlord Improvement Panel.
To ensure an effective communication and stakeholder engagement framework is built into each housing development scheme.
To take responsibility for overseeing the development of the contract procurement strategy within the Housing portfolio, including ensuring corporate and consistent standards for monitoring and evaluation of such contracts, and paying attention to timeliness and value for money.
To act as the primary press spokesperson on all matters relating to the whole of the Housing portfolio.
To lead on the relationship with Town and Parish Councils and other external partners.
To be responsible with the Executive Member for Finance and Governance for overseeing the Council’s Asset Strategy regarding all Council owned property, to take a lead role in acquisition and/or disposal of assets in line with Council policies, and to advise other Members of Council policy and targets in respect of asset management.
To be responsible with the Executive Member for Finance and Governance for overseeing the Council’s overall corporate contract procurement strategy, including ensuring corporate and consistent standards for procuring, monitoring and evaluating such contracts that take into account timeliness and value for money.
To deputise for Executive Members as and when required.
To take responsibility for Strategic Planning for the development areas of the Borough.
To oversee the production of all documents included within the development plan and supporting plans and guidance.
To oversee the production of all statutory and service plans within the remit of Planning, Planning Enforcement and Land Use. To recommend to the Executive new or amended policies in respect of these services.
To be responsible for overseeing the Building Control functions.
To develop and oversee the implementation of a Minerals and Waste Plan.
To oversee the Council’s strategic planning approach to gypsies and travellers.
To develop rural housing and build a structure for applications to be undertaken and fulfilled.
To oversee Planning and Development consultations.
To oversee S106, CIL and any other developer contributions.
To ensure high-quality and effective delivery of planning permissions that have been granted, ensuring compliance with planning conditions and utilising enforcement where necessary.
To provide oversight of developments to ensure a minimum of disruption and inconvenience to residents, businesses, and those using private and public transport.
To ensure delivery of the adopted development plan, including monitoring the housing land supply.
To represent the Council as determined by the Executive on outside bodies and in discussions/negotiations with regional, national and government bodies.
To hold the Director of Place and Growth to account for the performance and improvement of the services and sufficiency duties within the portfolio.
To act as the primary press spokesperson on all matters relating to the whole of the Planning and Enforcement portfolio.
To work with the relevant Directors and the Executive Member for Finance and Governance to produce a 3-year rolling budget with the emphasis on the first 12 month which adequately cover the costs within the Executive Member’s areas of responsibility.
To ensure there is regular performance monitoring with directors against the agreed annual budget.
To ensure timely reporting of both over and under spend against agreed budget.
To ensure the preparation of supplementary budget estimates and justification for any overspend against agreed budget.
To take overall responsibility for all financial matters within the portfolio.
To take responsibility for overseeing the development of the contract procurement strategy within the Planning and Local Plan portfolio, including ensuring corporate and consistent standards for monitoring and evaluation of such contracts, and paying attention to timeliness and value for money.
To take on or transfer any other function, responsibility, or role which the Leader may deem from time to time appropriate.
To oversee all Executive Members to develop the Council’s external funding strategy to maximise income from government and other sources.