Executive post

Executive Member for Environment, Leisure and Libraries - John Halsall


5.2.10  Executive Member for Environment, Leisure & Libraries

To oversee the work of the Environment Service and all of the Council’s environmental functions within that service.

To identify and address flooding and drainage problems within the Borough, and to oversee the production of a flooding and drainage strategy and the link this has to the Core Strategy.

To oversee waste collection and recycling services, to develop the Borough’s Waste Strategy, and to represent the Council on the Re3 Joint Waste Disposal Board.

To oversee appropriate open space, country parks, SANG and playground provision and maintenance.

To oversee the development of new country parks in accordance with the Core Strategy.

To take the leading role in developing partnerships with other agencies, especially the Towns and Parishes, and to make representations to central government, regional government etc. as appropriate.

To oversee the Leisure and Sports Development strategies.

To oversee the Public Rights of Way function, including Greenways. To ensure the Council is represented on the Local Access Forum and undertakes liaison with local interest groups.

To oversee the Council’s Tree Policy.

To develop and oversee the implementation of a Minerals and Waste Plan.

Responsible for overseeing the development of the Council’s Culture and Library Services.

To oversee strategies for developing arts, leisure and cultural activities in the Borough.

To be responsible for overseeing the Health and Safety, Environmental Health, Building Control, Licensing and Trading Standards functions.

To take responsibility for monitoring gulley and pavement maintenance plans.

To take responsibility for overseeing the development of the contract procurement strategy within the Environment, Leisure and Libraries portfolio, with particular regard to the following:


a)      ensuring corporate and consistent standards for monitoring and evaluation of contracts;

b)      examining with appropriate Officers ways in which contracts of all types can be better managed on a timely renewal basis to achieve greater value for money;


c)      to examine potential new ways of procuring services including;


i)        outsourcing;

ii)       market testing;

iii)      public/private partnerships or the Private Finance Initiative;

iv)      joint working with other public bodies;


d)      monitoring and evaluating the performance and value for money of contracts that have been awarded.

To have overall responsibility for the efficient and effective management of the Council’s Public Protection Service.

To discharge the Council’s functions in respect of community resilience and be responsible for advising the Executive in relation to such issues.

To hold the Director of Customer Services and Localities to account for the performance and improvement of the services and sufficiency duties.

To oversee and develop the Council’s approach to climate issues, including energy efficiency and the management of a Carbon Reduction Plan.

To act as the primary press spokesman on all matters relating to the whole of the Environment, Leisure and Libraries portfolio.

Post is held by