Issue - decisions

Surrey Heath's Draft Thames Basin Heath's Special Protection Area Avoidance Strategy Supplementary Planning Document 2018

18/02/2019 - Surrey Heaths Draft Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance Strategy Supplementary Planning Document 2018

That the Executive Member for Business, Economic Development and Strategic Planning agrees that Wokingham Borough Council:

1)            Raises a holding objection until such time as:

                   i.        Clarification is provided that SANG capacity identified within Surrey Heath is reserved to mitigate housing developments within that borough, and is not available to mitigate developments elsewhere.

                 ii.        Clarification is provided on what avoidance and mitigation measures will be put in place from additional car journey along roads within the 400m buffer zone of the SPA, to protect the air quality within the area.

                  iii.       The map of notional SANG catchment areas included in Appendix 1 are amended to not intersect Wokingham Borough.

2)             Support further cross boundary discussion and engagement to consider an appropriate avoidance and mitigation strategy relevant to air quality, through the Joint Strategic Partnership Board.