Agenda item

Any Other Business


Helen Watson, Interim Director of Children’s Services was welcomed to the meeting.


Commissioning services


Hayley Rees, Strategy and Commissioning Manager explained that the Council currently had a contract with Berkshire Health Foundation Trust (BHFT) to deliver therapy services.  This contract included speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy.  This was a stand alone contract with BHFT, however there was a project looking to commission these services with West Berkshire and Reading, and bids would be put to the open market.


Hayley Rees asked if there were any members of Schools Forum who would be interested in taking part in the evaluation panel.  The evaluation process was lengthy and a substantial amount of time was required in February.  West Berkshire and Reading would also have representatives in the evaluation panel.


Hayley Rees informed that a survey had gone out about these services, she also pointed out that these services were funded by the HNB.  Anyone requiring more information about this project could contact Hayley Rees directly.


Election of three Schools Forum representative to join the Wokingham Education Partnership


Heather Tomlison informed that she now had the names for primary and secondary schools representatives.  She explained that the terms of reference of the Partnership were still under review, and the total number of representatives could change.  She suggested that Schools Forum probably already had sufficient representation given the names that had been put forward from the headteachers’ association.


Heather Tomlison stated that the intention was for the Partnership to tackle difficult strategy issues, and not to duplicate the work of Schools Forum.  However, it was understood that those decisions made by the Partnership would influence the decisions made by Schools Forum.


In response to a comment, Heather Tomlinson stated that the group wanted to include representation from the Early Years and Post 16 phases.


Paul Gibson pointed out that most of the provision for Post 16 in the Borough was in the form of sixth forms within schools, so his representation in the group could cover that section (given that he was the Post 16 representative in Schools Forum).


Brian Prebble informed that of the four representatives from primary schools, one had a nursery attached to their school.


Ian Morgan stated that the Early Years private providers section was very large in Wokingham, with only one maintained nursery school in the Borough.  He suggested that if a representative from the Early Years private providers was needed this could be arranged.


Heather Tomlison suggested having a further discussion with Schools Forum about the membership on the Partnership, once potential gaps were identified, after its first meeting.  She added that it was important to have the right representation in the group, not necessarily representation from every section.


The Chairman asked that Heather Tomlinson liaises with Luciane Bowker, Democratic and Electoral Services Specialist about the need or not to undertake the elections of Schools Forum representatives to the Partnership.


In response to comments, Heather Tomlison agreed that the length of service for individual representatives on the Partnership would be reviewed when the terms of reference were discussed.  It was agreed that a one year term was likely too short a service period.


Falling rolls fund

Schools Forum wished to consider how to support schools who had been suffering with falling rolls though no fault of their own, but due to demographics.  The formal Council’s policy on this issue was contained in the matters arising document.


The Chairman suggested having a discussion about this issue at the March meeting.  Brian Prebble stated that this would be a good time to discuss it, as it fitted in with the work of the School Admissions Task and Finish Group reviewing boundaries and catchment areas.


Ginny Rhodes suggested that going forward this issue should be considered by the Partnership.


There was consensus that this issue should be considered.


The mechanism behind contingency funding

The need to plan for school places in the Borough meant that contingency funds had to be allocated.  However, the contingency planning historically had not matched what actually happened on 1 September and 1 January.  There was a desire to understand the mechanics of contingency planning and possibly design different models.


Heather Tomlinson agreed to reflect on this with colleagues and get back to Schools Forum on this.



Matters arising


1.     Explanation on the calculation of the new funding formula (how it differs for academy and maintained schools).

2.     Request that SEN consultations not be sent to secondary schools immediately or prior to school holidays.

3.     That future reports include a heading indicating which month the forecast was of, rather than using ‘A’ and ‘B’ to make it clearer.

4.     That reports include a heading indicating if there was significant movement or not and highlighting where the movement is.

5.     To ascertain what the MFG is for secondary school pupils.

6.     To ascertain how many schools would be affected should the disapplication be approved.

7.     It was requested that information in regards to the cost of traded services be provided to schools as soon as possible.

8.     A report to be brought to Schools Forum with information about the Education Welfare service and its total cost to the Council.

9.     A timeline for the traded services review work will be presented to the March meeting.

10.  To include a percentage with the value of the Central School Services Block Budget.

11.  HNB formula explanation sessions would be offered before the meeting in March.

12.  Information on the future funding of Foundry College – and the possibility of it becoming a traded service.

13.  Heather Tomlison to liaise with Luciane Bowker about the potential need to elect Schools Forum representatives to the Wokingham Education Partnership.

14.  A falling rolls item be added to the March meeting agenda.

15.  An update on School Admissions Task and Finish Group would be included in the March meeting agenda.