Agenda item

Application No.211024 - Land at Arborfield Garrison Parcel V1S, north of Nuffield Road/Lakeside Bus Route, Arborfield

Recommendation: Conditional approval


Applicant: Bloor Homes Ltd


Proposal: Application for approval of Reserved Matters pursuant to Outline Planning Consent O/2014/2280 dated 02/04/2015. The Reserved Matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) comprise details of 126 dwellings within parcel V1S with access via the Lakeside Bus Loop, associated internal access roads, parking, landscaping, open space, footpaths and drainage.


The Committee received and reviewed a report about this application, set out in agenda pages 13 to 46.


The Committee were advised that there were no updates within the Supplementary Planning Agenda.


Rebecca Fenn-Tripp, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the application. Rebecca stated that the site had been granted outline planning permission, and this application sought reserved matters approval for 126 high quality homes. The site would include 25 affordable homes, delivering twenty percent on-site provision of affordable housing, in line with the S106 agreement. Rebecca stated that the development incorporated a variety of house types, materials, and architectural details to provide sufficient interest and differentiation across the site. Rebecca added that all of the proposed dwellings met or exceeded national space standard requirements, whilst the site would also meet the Borough’s parking standards, whilst also incorporating electric vehicle charging points. The proposals would include the planting of 43 new trees in addition to new hedgerows, whilst retaining the three mature oak trees found on-site. Rebecca concluded by stating that the proposals would provide a ten percent reduction in carbon emissions including via the provision of photovoltaic panels.


Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey queried whether electric vehicle charging infrastructure would be put in place across the site to allow activation when needed, queried whether photovoltaic panels would be offered to residents, and queried whether there were any plans to install heat pumps across the development. Christopher Howard, case officer, stated that condition 5 set out the requirements relating to electric vehicle charging. Christopher added that it was up to the developer as to how they wished to install, or offer up for installation, photovoltaic panels.


Stephen Conway queried whether thirty-five percent affordable housing would be delivered on-site across the wider SDL. Christopher Howard stated that this application would deliver twenty percent on-site affordable housing, and a monetary contribution for fifteen percent off-site affordable housing, in line with the S106 agreement made at outline. The off-site contribution would go towards affordable housing developments across the Borough, an example of which could be seen at the Gorse Ride redevelopment. Connor Corrigan, Service Manager - Planning and Delivery, clarified that it was agreed at outline to allow off-site contributions towards affordable housing, and it was down to Wokingham Borough Council (WBC) to decide where the off-site affordable houses should be developed. Across the wider SDL, twenty percent of the homes would be affordable whilst a contribution for the equivalent of fifteen percent affordable housing would be received in line with the S106 agreement.


Andrew Mickleburgh queried whether all associated infrastructure relating to electric vehicle charging including transformers would be installed at the point of development of the site, queried whether the decision to provide twenty percent on-site affordable housing was at the request of the developer or WBC, and queried whether a specific condition should be included to secure a biodiversity net gain on-site. Judy Kelly, Highways Development Manager, stated that it was not that onerous to install an electric vehicle charging meter in a house. The electricity load would come off of the meter supply for that home, and the load would be balanced. Standalone facilities such as a car park or spaces on the highway, separate infrastructure would be required. It was conditioned for the developer to set out in detail where the 43 active charging spaces and the 46 passive spaces would be placed, whilst ensuring that infrastructure was in place prior to commencement of works. Connor Corrigan stated that that WBC had taken the decision to a portion of off-site affordable housing contributions. Connor added that biodiversity improvements would be seen as a part of this development, and noted that the outline application was approved prior to the requirements for developments to achieve a ten percent biodiversity net gain. The overall SDL would achieve a biodiversity net gain, for example via the provision of SANGs.


Pauline Jorgensen commented that she would like to know more details about the site to work out what level of biodiversity net gain was achievable. Pauline queried what protection would be given to the two mature oak trees which were proposed to be situated near residential houses, and queried whether any protection could be given to require any future HMOs on site to seek planning permission. Connor Corrigan stated that the mature oak trees would have a root protection area and the site had a conditioned landscape management plan. In addition, Connor stated that the Tree officer was content with the proposals and it was not envisaged that there would be any ongoing issues. Justin Turvey, Operational Manager – Development Management, Stated that at the moment a C3 to C4 conversion required no planning permission to create a small HMO, and there would have to be a very good reason to restrict this on this site.


Angus Ross commented that until there was a policy change, electric vehicle charging and biodiversity issues would continue to be a frustration for the Committee. Angus queried whether payments for both SANGs and SAMM had been made at outline. Connor Corrigan confirmed that the S106 agreement required these payments to come forward as the site was developed.


Gary Cowan commented that it was difficult to condition when there was no specific policy in place for some issues. Gary added that policy CP5 fixed thirty-five percent of affordable houses for all of the SDLs, and he was not particularly in favour of reducing the on-site provision of these affordable houses. Gary stated that he was overall supportive of this application, and noted that the overall SDL site had good and regular communication between the developers, residents and Town and Parish Councils.


Sam Akhtar sought details regarding to asbestos and lead contamination of the soil on site. Connor Corrigan stated that this site was a former MOD site, and part of the outline decision was for site surveys to be carried out. Asbestos and lead contaminated soil would be transported to a licensed site, and replaced with new soil. A considerable amount of work had been carried out to ensure that the site was safe for development and habitation.


Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey queried where the homes would be built using the off-site affordable housing contribution. Connor Corrigan stated that the planning requirement was to collect the contributions, and it was up to the WBC housing team to decide where the money would be best spent.


RESOLVED That application number 211024 be approved, subject to conditions and informatives as set out in agenda pages 14 to 18.

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