Agenda item

Application no. RM/2015/1375 - Land west of Hyde End Road, Shinfield

Recommendation: Conditional Approval.


Proposal: Reserved Matters application pursuant to Outline Planning consent VAR/2014/0624 for the erection of 69 dwellings including access roads garages parking spaces open space and landscape treatment of Phase 1a Shinfield West (access within site appearance landscaping layout and scale).


Applicant: Bloor Homes, Linden Homes, Bovis Homes and University of Reading


The Committee received and considered a report about this application, set out on Agenda pages 69 to 108.


The Committee was advised that the Members’ Update included

·         a recommended amendment to condition 2 plan numbers;

·         additional landscaping conditions 15 and 16; and

·         a recommended amendment to condition 10 re water attenuation.


Nick Paterson-Neild, Agent, spoke in favour of the application.


It was noted that Members had previously visited the site.


Members asked for clarification on parking and road safety issues.  Confirmation was given that the architecture was consistent throughout even though there are three different development companies.


It was noted that the Parish Council supported the application.


RESOLVED: That application RM/2015/1375 be approved, subject to the conditions set out on Agenda pages 71 to 76 with conditions 2 and 10 amended and additional conditions as set out in the Members’ Update.

Supporting documents: