Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Work Programmes for 2021/22

To agree the process for developing the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programmes for 2021/22.


The Committee considered a report, set out at Agenda pages 47 to 54, which set out proposals to develop the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programmes for 2021/22.


The report stated that effective work programming was a Member-led process aimed at shortlisting and prioritising issues of community concern together with issues arising out of the Council Vision and Corporate Delivery Plan and major policy or service changes. It aimed to:


·           reflect local needs and concerns;

·           prioritise topics for scrutiny which had the most impact or benefit;

·           involve local residents and stakeholders;

·           be flexible enough to respond to new or urgent issues.


The report stated that, in order to generate ideas and involvement from local residents, community groups and stakeholders, the Council’s website and social media would be used to publicise the development of the Work Programmes. In considering potential issues for review, Members would take into account the previously agreed selection criteria:


·           Whether the issue was of local, and preferably current, concern;

·           Whether undertaking the review can be linked to the Council’s Vision, priorities and underpinning principles or would help achieve these;

·           Whether the topic was already being reviewed elsewhere within the Council (e.g. as part of the Continuous Improvement Programme);

·           Was the topic one that was capable of being influenced by one of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees;

·           Was the topic of manageable scope – not too wide-ranging and yet of sufficient size to warrant a Scrutiny review;

·           Whether sufficient resources were available to support the Scrutiny review;

·           If a review was warranted, should it have a high, medium or low priority?


The report suggested that potential items for inclusion in the 2021/22 Work Programmes be submitted to the Committee’s meeting in March 2021 for consideration and prioritisation.


In the ensuing discussion, Members raised the following points:


Once the Overview and Scrutiny Committees have made recommendations, what is the process for reporting back on implementation and progress?


How does the Committee carry out “horizon scanning” to identify potential items for future Scrutiny? It was suggested that a report on this issue be considered at the next meeting.


It was suggested that an in-depth review be carried out into the Council’s engagement with the community and voluntary sectors, including the development of the co-produced anti-poverty strategy.


Members suggested potential items for inclusion in the 2021/22 Work Programme, as follows:


·           Scrutiny of the Council’s Standards Committee;

·           Improving communications with residents and community groups;

·           Changes to the Council’s systems and working environment;

·           Changes to the Planning system.




1)     Members submit ideas for inclusion in the 2021/22 Work Programmes to Democratic Services;


2)     the process for public consultation on the 2021/22 Work Programmes, set out in the report, be approved;


3)     the final 2021/22 Work Programmes be agreed at the meeting of the Committee in March 2021;


4)     each Overview and Scrutiny Committee carry out one or more detailed Scrutiny reviews during 2021/22;


5)     that a report be submitted to the next meeting with suggestions to improve horizon scanning and the identification of future pre-decision Scrutiny items.



Supporting documents: