Agenda item

Application No. 201573 - Boundoak Industrial Estate, Wokingham Lane, Arborfield, RG2 9PN

Recommendation: Conditional approval subject to legal agreement


Proposal:  Full application for the erection of 4No buildings for B1c,B2 and B8 industrial and commercial use with the addition of a sui generis Energy Centre comprising a Combined Heat and Power facility and a Lithium Ion Battery store in Unit 1 to include landscaping and access works, following demolition of the existing buildings.


Applicant: Musketeer Properties Ltd


The Committee received and reviewed a report about this application as set out in agenda pages 75 to 120.


The Committee was advised that the Members’ Update included the following:


·       Amendment to condition 4 in order to allow up to two units to be occupied by the same tenant;

·       Amendment to condition 16 around walking and cycling.


Douglas Bond, agent, spoke in support of the application.  He stated that the site was currently an unattractive, poor quality estate which needed development.  The application would result in an improvement for tenants and employees.  Amended plans had been submitted to allay the concerns of residents.  The proposed layout was sensitive to surroundings and allowed important trees to be retained, in addition to opportunities for new native planting.  The Countryside Officer had concluded that the application would result in a minor beneficial effect to the wildlife.  Douglas Bond also commented that there would be sufficient onsite parking.  He went on to refer to improved sustainability features.  He emphasised that the proposals also included provision for an energy centre, which enhanced the scheme’s sustainability credentials. 


In response to a question from Gary Cowan, Judy Kelly explained that there was a pelican crossing for pedestrians on the A327M, the main strategic road to the east of the site.  There was also a bridleway (Pegasus crossing).  There was bridleway that came down to the north and to the west of the site there was a byway that continued on.  Residents had expressed concern that the uncontrolled pedestrian crossing was not well constructed.  A condition sought to improve this and a dropped kerb crossing with tactile paving would be put in place, with a continuous footway leading into the site.


Andrew Mickleburgh queried the number of parking spaces, including for trucks.  Judy Kelly indicated that the site usage would be a mixture of B1, C, B2 and B8 which had different parking standards.  However, parking standards would be met.  There were no specific parking places for trucks on site.


With regards to control of noise, Angus Ross questioned whether conditions were strong enough to control any future occupants and usages.  Jeanette Davey indicated that usage should not exceed prevailing background noise at the nearest residential property or noise sensitive property.


Malcolm Richards queried the machinery operating times beginning at 7am.  Jeanette Davey commented that the applicant had originally requested longer working hours.  Condition 21 covered the adjoining residents.


Malcolm Richards stated that the lithium-ion battery store would be vulnerable to fire risk.  Jeanette Davey emphasised that Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service had indicated that the relevant fire legislation would need to be complied with in order for a Fire Safety Order to be achieved.


Simon Weeks commented that there was currently encroachment on the wildlife as a result of the tipping of waste.  Douglas Bond confirmed that this would be addressed.


RESOLVED:  That application 201573 be approved subject to completion of a legal agreement and conditions and informatives as set out in pages 76 to 89, and revised conditions 4 and 16 as detailed in the Members’ Update.


At this point in the meeting, 9.45pm, Gary Cowan left the meeting.

Supporting documents: