Agenda item

Angela/Anne to raise with Emily the idea of approaching secondary schools or Secondary Federation re collective worship


Emily reported that no action has been taken yet because there is more detail needed from SACRE regarding what information is wanted from secondary schools, also clarification on the purpose/use of the information. If the aim is to improve the practice of schools regarding collective worship, another way would be to find examples of good practice and share. It will be easier to gather good practice from primary schools as they attend network meetings and Angela could raise the topic. Beth pointed out that one aim was to find out how many schools were actually doing any sort of daily act of worship, particularly in secondary schools.  Emily suggested approaching the Secondary Federation as Julian Bushell has been helpful recently. It was agreed that Emily and Angela liaise with Stephen and Beth to come up with questions for a survey. Beth and Stephen agreed that schools won’t be interested until spring. Action: Stephen, Angela, Emily and Beth to come up with questions, share with SACRE, then when schools are back to ‘normal’ , send out and feed back next spring or summer.


Emily referred to Catherine’s ideas, wondering what schools are doing about collective worship while in lockdown.  She is aware that some schools are using video for assemblies.

Chat comments:

Julie noted that Grazeley are doing collective worship everyday; some are pre-recorded, one of which is put on the newsletter. They have used ‘Prayer Spaces in Schools’ resources and have also put in a weekly reflection collective worship.


Catherine queried if it were posssible to approach places of worship who lead assemblies to offer perhaps a one-off online assembly? Many places of worship have explored, and been successful with ways to engage with IT.


Philip informed us that his church is doing a weekly assembly on FB / YouTube and writing daily reflections which are circulated on the staff's daily newsletter; the head asked for this. Philip thinks caring for staff is of course important as well as for the children. Links to the assemblies can be found  or


Catherine said that in her primary school, there is a weekly virtual assembly and in classes staff are looking at the recovery curriculum. School is focusing on reflection, mindfulness, space to be; the transition back into education will have an impact. It will be helpful for schools to ensure there is space in the day for quiet reflection.  Catherine explained it could be small things, and gave an example of children making a paper chain and joining links; it is important to facilitate discussion to ensure children express what they’ve experienced. Stephen asked Angela to disseminate Catherine’s ideas in network meetings.


Sal agreed with Catherine, noting that on children’s return to schools, their emotional, spiritual and mental well-being will be absolutely critical. There will be a greater need for that type of support than for the academic curriculum; lots of children have not seen friends or teachers, they may have suffered bereavements, seen family ill and may be very anxious on returning to a populated environment. Schools need to be taking these aspects into account when planning for return in September. Sal has daily contact with all heads across all phases and can promote those messages if helpful. Stephen agreed but was mindful in terms of our SACRE remit; emotional and mental support may not be in our remit but we can share ideas with schools.


Julie noted that the Recovery Curriculum provides lots of well thought-through ideas for the aspects of curriculum that Sal mentioned and has been shared very well with Heads at meetings. The Prayer Spaces in schools as resources for reflection and collective worship are very well worth sharing with people. They are aimed at children at home as well as in school.


Linda recommended Prayer spaces for schools. Prayer spaces at home are linked very specifically to exploring the emotions and feelings children are experiencing. There are also 'Big Start Assemblies' which are offering 13 free assemblies for primary schools to use during this time, again linked with helping children explore the emotions they are experiencing.


Catherine knew of mindfulness/CBT training online and is currently investigating as she anticipates a greater need going forward. Emily asked her to share any useful links. Action: Catherine to share useful links on mindfulness/CBt etc..


Emily pointed out that we have avenues like Education News and round table discussions on transitioning back to school in which we can share what is happening in schools. Stephen said that if anyone has ideas or suggestions on support, please share with Anne or Emily for Education News. Angela could include an item in the network meeting regarding the recovery curriculum and possibly how the RE curriculum can support. Action: all to share ideas for support with AC/EW for Education News and network meetings.


Beth sits on 2 governing bodies and is also a governor at an academy, and reports that governors also have talked about non-educational support needed for children returning to school. She suggested keeping Chairs of Governors informed with what the SACRE is doing and resources available. Children need to be in a good place before they can learn.  Stephen reiterated his request to members to email suggestions to Anne, who will collate them, including those in the chat box and they could be shared over the coming weeks at network meetings and Education News etc.. Stephen considering writing something regarding pausing the syllabus. Action: Anne to collate ideas from members and from the chat box.