Agenda item

Application No.193206 - Toutley Depot, Old Forest Road, Wokingham

Recommendation: Conditional approval


Proposal: Full planning application for the demolition of all existing structures at Toutley Depot to permit the phased construction of a replacement depot including works buildings, storage, a new office accommodation block, ancillary drainage, landscaping, security fencing, surface parking and associated works


Applicant: Wokingham Borough Council (WBC)


The Committee received and reviewed a report about this application, set out in agenda pages 15 to 48.


The Committee were advised that the Members’ Update included:


·           Amended drawing reference under Condition 2;

·           Amended numbering of details under Condition 6;

·           Clarification of the Ecological Assessment to confirm that  there was no evidence of bat roosts on site, however some existing potential roost features were being retained;

·           Response from Wokingham Town Council stating they raised no objection however they would like consideration to be given to neighbouring residential properties.


David Smith, on behalf of the applicant (WBC), spoke in support of the application. David stated that this was an important WBC application which included modern buildings and facilities for contractors to enable them to continue to carry out high quality services for the Borough’s residents.


Simon Weeks commented that there had been no objections received with regards to this application, and added that the proposals would reduce the floor space taken up on site.


Andrew Mickleburgh queried whether the phased redevelopment would reduce any current car parking provision in the interim. Sophie Morris, Case Officer, stated that interim car parking provision would be required to be addressed via submission of a construction management plan. Sophie added that all construction and contractor vehicles would be required to be contained within the red line boundary during all phases of construction.


Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey queried how heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) would access the site, and how many additional trees would be planted on the site. Sophie Morris stated that HGV access would be addressed via the submission of a construction management plan. Sophie stated that tree replacement was conditioned to exceed the number of trees removed.


Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey proposed that an informative be added, requesting that a two to one ratio of trees planted compared to trees removed be applied to this site, in line with WBC’s aspiration to plant additional trees in order to tackle the Climate Emergency. This proposal was moved, seconded by Stephen Conway and added to the list of Informatives.


Gary Cowan queried who was paying for the depot redevelopment. Following the meeting, the following answer was provided by an Officer: “This is a Council owned depot and therefore the Council are paying for the redevelopment to secure the ongoing use of the site into the future – which will be beyond the current contract periods of the existing operators.”


Gary Cowan made a number of comments with regards to this application. Gary stated his concern with regards to Condition 10a, and felt that it was worrying that the Committee would come to a decision, and the details of that decision could then be changed afterwards. Gary added that it would have been good to have clarity on the exact number of trees proposed to be felled. Gary was of the opinion that the Ecological Assessment and Bat Survey should have been submitted with this application, which would be expected should this have been a private developer application. Gary commented that tree replacement needed to be focussed on total foliage, as replacing a five metre tree with a one metre tree was not a proportional replacement.


RESOLVED That application number 193206 be approved, subject to Conditions and Informatives as set out in agenda pages 16 to 25, various amendments and clarifications as set out in the Members’ Update and additional Informative as resolved by the Committee.

Supporting documents: