Agenda item

Council Plan Performance Monitoring - Q2 2019/20

To consider the 2019/20 Quarter 2 Council Plan Performance Monitoring report.


The Committee considered a report, set out at Agenda pages 103 to 124, which gave details of performance monitoring for Quarter 2 of the 2019/20 Municipal Year (July-September).


The report stated that, for Quarter 2, 65% of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) had achieved the assigned targets and were reported as Green. 6% of KPIs were marginally off target (Amber) and 29% were significantly off-target.


The report gave details of the 37 KPIs being used to measure service delivery and quality. The KPIs had been reviewed for 2019/20 in order to provide a smaller, more targeted number of measures. For each KPI a SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely) target had been assigned which took into account historic trend information and benchmarking to compare WBC performance with national trends.


The report also gave details of the 10 Red KPIs and the improvement measures being implemented, as follows:


Adults Services (5 Red KPIs)


·                KPI AS4a - Safeguarding timeliness – concerns completed within 2 working days


·                KPI AS4b - Safeguarding timeliness – enquiries completed within 28 days


·                KPI AS6 - Proportion of people receiving long term care who were subject to a review in the last 12 months


·                KPI VP2a – Delayed transfers of care (delayed days)


·                KPII VP2b – Delayed transfers of care (delayed days) Social Care Only


Children’s Services (4 Red KPIs)


·                KPI Ch2 - Percentage of Education, Health and Care Plan Assessments completed within 20 weeks of referral


·                KPI EA2 – Percentage of children who attend a Wokingham state-funded school (primary, secondary or special) which is Ofsted rated Good or better


·                KPI VP6i – Percentage of children who became subject to a Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time within 2 years


·                KPI VP8 – Percentage of child protection visits completed on time (within 10 days of the previous visit or start of the Child Protection Plan)


Locality and Customer Services (1 Red KPI)


·                KPI CE10 – Percentage of calls answered


Members considered the performance data in the report and made the following points:


KPI CE1 – Revenue Budget Monitoring Forecast Position and KPI CE2 – Capital Budget Monitoring Forecast Position.


Comment - when overspends and underspends occur, the Committee would like to receive greater detail on causation and action plans put in place.


KPI T1-6 – Percentage of Highway Infrastructure Schemes on track for project delivery.


Comment – the report should provide greater clarity on the criteria for RAG status together with more detail on the roads subject to Amber and Red status.


KPI CE10 – Percentage of Calls Answered.


Comment – Members recalled the earlier WBC target of answering calls with 10 rings and requested comparative information to current performance. This included trend data on the time taken to answer calls (including recorded messages on the system).


KPI Adults Services – 5 Red KPIs


Comment - the Committee requested more information on the underlying staffing issues referred to in the narrative for the Red indicators.


KPI EA2 – Percentage of children who attend a Wokingham Borough state-funded school (Primary, Secondary or Special) which is Ofsted rated Good or Outstanding.


Comment – the Committee requested more specific criteria for the RAG rating.


KPI Ch2 – Percentage of Education, Health and Care Plan Assessments completed within 20 weeks of referral.


Comment – the Committee noted that Q2 performance was 12.9% with a target of 100%. Was this a SMART target? Should the Amber range be 95% to 99%?




1)        the Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring report be noted;


2)        the service narrative relating to the Committee’s queries on Q1 KPIs be noted;


3)        further information on the Committee’s Q2 queries and comments be circulated to Members.



Supporting documents: