Agenda item

Corporate Risk Register

To receive an update on the corporate risk register


The Committee considered the Corporate Risk Register.


During the discussion of this item, the following points were made:


·         Since the last report to the Committee on 25 September 2019, an additional risk had been added on Climate Emergency.

·         Councillor Burgess asked what ideas had come out of the climate emergency action plan and in particular, what ideas were there for big changes in the Borough.  The Assistant Director Governance referred to staff workshops and brainstorming sessions.

·         Risk 11 around Brexit, had been updated.

·         With regards to Risk 3 about Workforce, the Assistant Director Governance informed Member that the Employee Engagement Survey had been launched and was due to run until 11 November.  In response to a question from Councillor Burgess, he indicated that this survey was likely to be run every 2 years in future.  Personnel Board would receive an overview of the results whilst the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee considered key performance indicators around performance.

·         Councillor Gee referred to the Risk regarding Corporate Governance and questioned whether consideration had been given to the risk of councillors, particularly female councillors, suffering abuse through different media platforms.  The Assistant Director Governance commented that this was a national issue and had not specifically been brought to his attention as a local issue.  However, he would take this matter away for further consideration.  Councillor Smith questioned whether guidance could be sought from the Local Government Association and whether an anonymised survey could be produced.

·         Simon Broad, Assistant Director Adult Social Care Sarah, highlighted some of the risks in adult social care.

·         The Assistant Director Adult Social Care emphasised that ensuring that arrangements to safeguard vulnerable adults were reviewed regularly, was vital.  Vulnerable people slipping through the net was a concern and it was therefore important that checks and controls were robust.

·         Councillor Burgess commented that the current score for the safeguarding risk (Risk 7 – Risk of avoidable serious harm or death of a vulnerable adult for whom the Council has a responsibility) was Very High whilst the appetite/target was Low.  She asked when the Committee would see a reduction in the current score.  The Assistant Director commented that this would always be a high risk as it was impossible to predict all who would abuse.  Councillor Smith stated that the appetite/target reflected the Council’s desire that abuse of vulnerable adults never took place.

·         With regards to Risk 7, Councillor Gee stated it could be clarified that the Council would aim to reduce ‘avoidable serious harm’ to vulnerable adults.  The Assistant Director Governance agreed to update the risk register to reflect this.

·         Councillor Ross asked what was meant by ‘vulnerable adults for whom the Council has a responsibility.’  The Assistant Director Adult Social Care clarified that it related to vulnerable adults for whom the Council commissioned care for.

·         Councillor Ross referred to reciprocal information sharing relationship between the Council and partners such as the Fire Authority.

·         The Assistant Director Adult Social Care also discussed Risk 12, which related to the sustainability of the Adult Social Care provider market. 

·         Councillor Gee asked about the risk to the Council of its Council owned companies such as Optalis, not being able to deliver what it was intended to.  She referred to the transfer of some of the adult social care service functions from Optalis, back to the Council, and the risk of disruption that this process may cause.  Councillor Smith proposed that the Council’s local authority trading companies and the risks around them could be added to the forward programme.  Councillor Sargeant suggested that this issue formed part of Risk 1 – Budgeting and Financial Management (including forecasting demand and investment and commercial strategy).

·         Councillor Shepherd-DuBey asked a question regarding the monitoring of a provider of a care home within her Ward.  The Assistant Director Adult Social Care agreed to look into the matter.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.

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