Agenda item

Treasury Management Strategy 2018/21

To consider the recommendations of the Executive in respect of the Treasury Management Strategy 2018/21.


RECOMMENDATIONThe Council is asked to approve:


1)         Capital Prudential indicators, 2018/19;


2)        Borrowing strategy 2018/19;


3)        Annual Investment Strategy 2018/19;


4)        Flexible use of capital receipts strategy;


5)        MRP policy; and


6)        Treasury Indicators: limits to borrowing activity 2018/19.


It was proposed by Councillor Charlotte Haitham Taylor and seconded by Councillor Julian McGhee-Sumner that the recommendations, as set out on Agenda page103, be approved.


Upon being put to the vote it was:


RESOLVED That the following be approved: 


1)         Capital Prudential indicators, 2018/19;


2)         Borrowing Strategy 2018/19;


3)        Annual Investment Strategy 2018/19;


4)        Flexible use of capital receipts strategy;


5)        Minimum Revenue Provision Policy;


6)         Treasury Indicators: limits to borrowing activity 2018/19.




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