Agenda item

Discussion with Executive Member

To discuss priorities and opportunities for Scrutiny support with Stuart Munro, Executive Member for Business, Economic Development and Regeneration.


The Committee considered a report, set out at Agenda pages 13 to 24, which continued the process of holding discussions with Executive Members. The aim of the discussions was to increase awareness of key policy and service issues over the year ahead and to identify areas where Overview and Scrutiny could provide effective challenge and support. Members supported the principle that Overview and Scrutiny could add more value if it was a proactive rather than a reactive process.


Stuart Munro (Executive Member for Business, Economic Development and Regeneration) and Philip Mirfin (Deputy Executive Member) attended the meeting to give an outline of key challenges and to answer Member questions developed around a set of key lines of enquiry. Councillors Munro and Mirfin focussed on three key issues: economic development, asset review and the Council’s Property Portfolio Investment Strategy.


Appended to the report was the Council’s Economic Development Strategy, 2016/21, which had been approved by the Executive in June 2016. Members also considered the Economic Development Strategy Action Plan which gave details of specific actions undertaken to deliver the key objectives in the Strategy. These were:


·           Create a place where businesses thrive by offering good quality housing and infrastructure;

·           Facilitate business growth through business support and inward investment;

·           Ensure that people have the skills that businesses need and are able to support themselves into employment;

·           Encourage innovation and technology to build a competitive business environment.


Stuart Munro and Philip Mirfin addressed the meeting and highlighted the following points:


·           Good progress was being made on house completions at the four SDL sites which was providing a positive economic benefit for the Borough;


·           Key worker housing units were being delivered – 18 at Montague Park and 22 at Peach Place;


·           Business engagement was progressing with a “world café event” to be held at the Reading University Science Park. This event would be hosted jointly by the Council and the university;


·           Plans for a Wokingham town centre “Business Improvement District” (BID) had been paused as the Council was unable to gain support from businesses in the town centre:


·           The Borough was receiving positive benefit from the work of the Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership;


·           The Asset Review Programme Board met monthly to consider issues including potential asset transfers to Town and Parish Councils and local community groups;


·           The Council’s land assets were being considered as part of the Local Plan Update process;


·           The £100m Property Portfolio Investment Fund had been agreed by Council in November 2017 and a team of Members and Officers were now considering options.


In the ensuing discussion Members raised the following points and questions:


Could the Council promote Business Improvement Districts in other areas such as Woodley or Twyford? It was suggested that a briefing note be prepared for the Committee on the pros and cons of a BID and examples of successful BIDs in other parts of the country.


Could the Committee receive a copy of the Local Enterprise Partnership Update report? It was confirmed that a copy of the update report would be circulated to the Committee.


Bearing in mind the LEP’s support of Heathrow expansion was it possible for the Council to influence the decision making process to reflect views from different parts of the Borough?


Could the Committee receive an update on the work of the Asset Review Programme Board in order to understand progress and future plans?


Could the Committee receive an update on progress relating to the Council’s new Property Portfolio Investment Fund? It was confirmed that an update report would be submitted to Members later in the year.




1)     Councillors Munro and Mirfin be thanked for attending the meeting and answering Member questions;


2)     Officers be asked to provide a briefing for the Committee on the pros and cons of setting up a Business Improvement District (BID), with examples of good practice;


3)     in conjunction with the BID briefing the Committee receive an updated copy of the Economic Development Strategy Action Plan;


4)     the Local Enterprise Partnership Update Report be circulated to Members;


5)     an update on the Assets Review Programme be included in the Committee’s Work Programme for 2018/19;


6)     an update on progress relating to the Council’s new Property Portfolio Investment Fund be included in the Committee’s Work Programme for 2018/19.

Supporting documents: