Agenda item

Application no 161255 - North of Hyde End Road, Spencers Wood

Recommendation:  Conditional Approval, subject to Legal Agreements


Proposal:  Full application for the proposed erection of 32no dwellings with associated vehicular access, parking and landscaping


Applicant:  Bewley Homes


TheCommittee receivedand revieweda reportabout thisapplication, setout inAgenda pages 57to 90. 


TheCommittee wasadvised thatthe Members'Update included:


·         Proposed additional plans to Condition 2;

·         Proposed deletion of Condition 31 regarding capacity to deal with runoff, and

·         A correction to the affordable housing.


Itwas notedthat Membersvisited thesite on 21 April 2017.


Nigel Boyer, Shinfield Parish Council, spoke to the application.   He raised concerns about the changes in access, from heading north on to Croft Gardens Estate in the original SDL to heading south onto Hyde End Road.  He indicated that there were a number of access roads letting on to Hyde End Road in the same stretch and that speeds were high.  He went on to state that the Public Right of Way (PROW) footpath that runs through the site would need to be kept open and in good order throughout the development of the site.


Daniel Lampard, agent on behalf of Bewley Homes, spoke in favour of the application.  He stated that Bewley Homes prided itself on building high quality properties in desirable places.  They had worked closely with council officers to make sure the design met council standards.  As a result of comments, Fullbrook House would have a bigger separation from new properties; a veteran tree was being retained, and the footpath widened.  He went on to indicate that there had been full discussion and assessment in relation to access and that the development offered a SANG and affordable housing.


The Case Officer reiterated the comments by Daniel Lampard regarding the changes to the plan and its effect on the relationship of the development to Fullbrook House.  He stated that there was a legal requirement that the footpath be maintained. The Case Officer went on to list the figures that were subject to legal agreement and confirmed that, as they had agreed to the development, Thames Water would be responsible for any issues regarding capacity for runoff.


The Service Manager, Highways Development, stated that the roads in the plan were aligned to those in the South of the M4 Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and that an independent road safety audit had been carried out as requested.  He went on, in response to Member questions, to state that as part of the wider SDL pedestrian and cycle facilities and connections Hyde End Road is being looked at along with potential measures to assist in reducing the roads speed limit down to a 30mph speed restriction on that stretch of Hyde End Road. 


In response to Speaker comments and Member queries, the following conditions were attached:


·         The Construction Management Plan Condition amended to include details relating to the PROW footpath be kept open and in good order during the development and that any damage be made good, and

·         The retention and amendment of Condition 31 to read: ‘Development shall be carried out in accordance with the above details.’


RESOLVED:  That Application no 161255 be approved subject to the conditions set out in Agenda pages 57 to 90; the additional conditions set out above, and the completion of legal agreements within 6 months

Supporting documents: