Agenda and draft minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 13th November, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: David Hicks 1 - Civic Offices, Shute End, Wokingham RG40 1BN

Contact: Liam Oliff  Democratic & Electoral Services Specialist


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillor Munro, Councillor Shepherd-Dubey and Councillor Smith.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 October 2024


Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 9th October 2024 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest



Councillor Jewell declared a prejudicial interest in application 242147 as she had made various public comments on this matter, she had taken advice on whether this could constitute an appearance of bias and therefore decided to not take part in the discussion or decision and leave the room when this matter is reached.



Applications to be Deferred and Withdrawn items

To consider any recommendations to defer applications from the schedule and to note any applications that may have been withdrawn.


There were no applications to be deferred or withdrawn


Application No 242147 Land outside 145 Crockhamwell Road, Woodley, RG5 3JP pdf icon PDF 998 KB

RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Approval

Additional documents:


Having declared an interest in this item Councillor Jewell left the room for this item and did not participate in the debate or vote. Councillor Andrea took over the chair.


Proposal: Full application for the proposed installation of 1 no. new communications kiosk.


Applicant: Mr Thomas Johnston of New World Payphones


The Committee considered a report on this application, set out in agenda pages 15 to 36.


Brian Fennelly, resident, spoke in objection to the application. He mentioned that the adverts that would be displayed on the kiosk would be to attract attention and that this could distract drivers, which could affect public safety. He added that the increased street furniture would lead to issues with pedestrian flow, he felt that the applicant had not highlighted the issues around street furniture. He explained that the current phone box in the town centre was only being used 40 times per year and that another one was not needed. He added that there were already 11 defibrillators in Woodley and that they had never been used in 6 years, he felt that this application was only for the applicant to gain advertising revenue.


Councillor Iyengunmwena questioned how the kiosk would be wired. Connie Davis, case officer, explained that there was a foundation box underneath, and that it would be wired into the ground, it was added that it wasn’t self-powered. Councillor Iyengunmwena asked what the relative size of the kiosk was compared to the street furniture. Connie Davis stated that the closest item to the kiosk was a bench and that the kiosk was substantially higher. Councillor Iyengunmwena sought clarity on the dimensions compared to existing kiosks in Woodley. Connie Davis clarified that the new kiosk had similar dimensions to the existing one, but that this one was not totally closed. It was added by Brian Conlon, Operational Lead, Development Management, that the standard height was 2.1m and this kiosk was 2.5m. Councillor Iyengunmwena asked whether the existing kiosk had Wi-Fi, it was confirmed that it did not.


Councillor Bello commented that this application was unnecessary as Woodley town already had a telephone kiosk. He added that the precinct had too much street furniture and the new kiosk would be in the way if pedestrians try to move around. He felt there was no benefit to the kiosk and that it caused clutter.


Councillor Akhtar commented that he felt the kiosk was unnecessary and that it was just an advertising screen, he made points that it cluttered the high street and could lead to Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB).


Councillor Ng Siu-hong mentioned that there was no demand for setting up another phone kiosk in Woodley, he felt that the large screen would be an obstruction to large vehicles. It was clarified by Connie Davis that it wasn’t for officers to consider the need for a development. She added that the phone would be free except for international calls, which was a benefit and not the case with the existing phone in the town.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33.


Application No 232490 Land off Langley Common Road, Arborfield, Wokingham pdf icon PDF 2 MB

RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Approval subject to a legal agreement

Additional documents:


Proposal: Outline planning application for a proposed residential development of up to 50 dwellings together with open space and associated works. Means of Access to be considered (with Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale to be reserved).


Applicant: Anwyl Land Limited


The Committee considered a report on this application, set out in agenda pages 37 to 92.


The Committee were advised that updates contained within the supplementary agenda included:

·         Nine additional representations had been received from residents.


Mark Croucher, case officer, provided a verbal update that a further 7 representations had been received.


Pam Stubbs, Barkham Parish Council, spoke in objection to the application. She told the committee that there been no updates on this plan for a year and then all of a sudden there was a recommendation for approval. She mentioned that this was quality land and that this application was against the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). She felt that the 50 houses provided no benefit to the area, with more than 2000 houses due to be built on Arborfield Green and no improvement to the infrastructure. She commented that the entrance to the site would cause highways issues and that Rickman Close was already dealing with extra traffic. She added that the only nearby supermarket was the Co-op and that the there was no other benefit to this application besides houses. She felt that this application would spoil lives of existing residents.


Hannah Slade, resident, spoke in objection to the application. She told the committee that this application would have negative consequences on the residents of Rickman Close. She explained that during rush hour, it was difficult to turn right out of Rickman Close. She added that with 1.6 cars per household within the Borough, there could be 80 cars on the proposed site. There was a lack of bus connections, and the extra cars would lead to pollution. She felt that Local Services should be improved before building more houses, such as more shops. She added that there was harm on wildlife, and no provision to stop negatives.


Beverley Moss, Agent, spoke in support of the application. She acknowledged that the application was in contrary to the spatial strategy in the adopted Local Plan but that this needed to be weighed up against the Council’s shortfall in housing supply and the benefits of the scheme. She added that the application would not fill the gap between settlements. The site was within walking distance of a shop and a school. The site was not in the valued landscape area in the emerging Local Plan Update (LPU). The site was contained by trees. She explained that the benefits of the scheme were 50 new homes, a children’s play area, a biodiversity area, the right of a way being retained and 20 affordable homes. There was no impact on drains, highways or flooding. The application would secure funding for improvements to the bus service and an employment and skills plan.


Joseph Barley, ward member, spoke in objection to the application.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.