Venue: David Hicks 1 - Civic Offices, Shute End, Wokingham RG40 1BN
Contact: Liam Oliff Democratic & Electoral Services Specialist
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 73 KB To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2024. |
Declaration of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. |
Public Question Time To answer any public questions
A period of 30 minutes will be allowed for members of the public to ask questions submitted under notice.
The Council welcomes questions from members of the public about the work of this committee.
Subject to meeting certain timescales, questions can relate to general issues concerned with the work of the Committee or an item which is on the Agenda for this meeting. For full details of the procedure for submitting questions please contact the Democratic Services Section on the numbers given below or go to |
Member Question Time To answer any member questions. |
Medium Term Financial Plan - Overview PDF 114 KB To consider the strategic overview of the draft Medium Term Financial Plan 2025-28. Additional documents: |
Medium Term Financial Plan 2025-28 - Reserves PDF 212 KB To consider the range of reserves held by Wokingham Borough Council. |
Emergency Planning Service - Update PDF 205 KB To receive an update on the work of the Emergency Planning team over the past year. Additional documents: |
Planning Service - Update PDF 107 KB To receive an update on the work of the Planning team over the past year. |
Appointment of Members to the Active Travel Task and Finish Group PDF 88 KB Appointment of Members to the Active Travel Task and Finish Group for the 2024/25 Municipal year. Additional documents: |
Appointment of Members to the Litter Bins Task and Finish Group PDF 82 KB Appointment of Members to the Litter Bins Task and Finish Group for the 2024/25 Municipal year. Additional documents: |
To consider the Committee’s Work Programme for 2024-25. |
To consider the regular Action Tracker report. |
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent A Supplementary Agenda will be issued by the Chief Executive if there are any other items to consider under this heading