Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary, Planning Committee - Wednesday, 24th March, 2021 7.00 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting. View directions

Contact: Callum Wernham  Democratic & Electoral Services Specialist


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


An apology for absence was submitted from Councillor Stephen Conway.


Declaration of Interest pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To receive any declaration of interest



There were no declarations of interest.


Applications to be Deferred and Withdrawn items

To consider any recommendations to defer applications from the schedule and to note any applications that may have been withdrawn.


No applications were recommended for deferral, or withdrawn.


Application No.210387 - Land South Of Cutbush Lane (West Of Oldhouse Farm Lane) And Gateway 4 plot at TVSP pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Recommendation: Conditional approval subject to legal agreement

Additional documents:


Proposal: Full application for the erection of Film studio stages and workshops (for a temporary period of 5 years). To include access to the site via Old House Lane / Cutbush Lane, car parking, ancillary buildings to support the use of the site and landscaping, with a workshop to be included on Gateway 4 plot at Thames Valley Science Park.


Applicant: Shinfield Studios


The Committee received and reviewed a report about this application, set out in agenda pages 5 to 92.


The Committee were advised that the Members’ Update included:


·           Correction that the size of the buildings should read 14,080m2;

·           Various amendments of recommendations A and C;

·           Updated list of plans associated with condition 2;

·           Updated document reference for condition 8, and updated Construction Environmental Management Plan reference;

·           Amendment of condition 17 to remove reference to hard landscaping as these details had since been approved;

·           Additional condition related to a lighting plan;

·           Clarification that 30 cycle spaces were proposed;

·           Clarification that the Ecology Officer raised no objections and the package of offsite biodiversity enhancements had been secured;

·           Correction to paragraph 10, to read 2017 rather than 2007;

·           Correction to paragraph 51, to state 200m2 of solar panels rather than 200 panels as stated;

·           Correction to paragraph 61, to state that 10 blue badge spaces would be provided rather than the 9 stated;

·           Letter of full support from Arborfield and Newland Parish Council;

·           Two letters of support from the Department of Digital, Cultural, Media and Sport outlining the economic gains of the media sector;

·           4 further letters of support and a further letter of objection from residents;

·           Letter of objection from the owners of Shinfield Grange – University College Estate of Management.


Nick Smith, applicant, spoke in support of the application. Nick stated that despite the current economic downturn, the film industry was ‘booming’, however a lack of studio space was limiting the growth of this sector. Nick added that there was a real and significant opportunity with this application to put Shinfield, Wokingham, and Berkshire on the global film studio map. Nick stated that the inward investment of millions of pounds in addition to the local job creation was significant, which would have lasting long terms benefits going forwards. Content production was the fastest growing industry in the UK, with quarter four of 2020 generating £1.2 billion of inward investment. Nick stated that there was an acute shortage of studio space to meet the needs of big names such as Disney, Netflix and Apple, and the Government was targeting a 65 percent growth which equated to approximately 1.8 million square feet of studio space across the UK. Provision of these spaces would benefit communities, creating investment opportunities and many new jobs. Nick added that a typical production would spend £80m to £100m in any 12 month period, with a significant proportion of this spend occurring locally. In addition, a typical production would require around 500 crew, which would create a number of local highly paid job opportunities. Nick  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71.


Application No.201833 - Land South of Old Bath Road, Sonning pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Recommendation: Conditional approval subject to legal agreement


Proposal: Outline application with Appearance and landscaping reserved for the proposed 57 dwellings suitable for older persons accommodation (Use Class C3) with consideration of means of access, layout and scale to be determined. Following demolition of existing dwellings.


Applicant: Arlington Retirement Lifestyles


The Committee received and reviewed a report about this application, set out in agenda pages 93 to 136.


The Committee were advised that the Members’ Update included:


·           Amendment to condition 16;

·           Correction to the correct affordable housing contribution in lieu.


Trefor Fisher, Sonning Parish Council, spoke in objection to the application. Trefor stated that Sonning Parish Council were shocked that this application had been recommended for approval, as Sonning was a designated limited development location, and this area in particular was characterised by detached houses with large gardens. Trefor was of the opinion that this development would be an overdevelopment of the site. Trefor stated that a similar proposal at Linkside was refused as the density of 32 dwellings per hectare was regarded as too high, whereas this proposal would result in 48 dwellings per hectare. Trefor stated that Sonning was a very small community, and this development would add almost 10 percent to the total number of households in Sonning. Trefor added that this area was dangerous for pedestrians, and the Parish Council was frequently made aware of speeding vehicles at crossing points. Trefor stated that pedestrians would have to cross the railway bridge with no pedestrian pathway to reach Woodley for shopping and amenities. Trefor added that should this scheme be allowed, many extra vehicles would have to pass over the Sonning Bridge which was already had significant traffic issues. Trefor stated that light pollution was a common complaint for residents, which would be made worse should the application be approved. Trefor added that the neighbourhood development plan was underway, and thus far there were no comments in favour of development at this specific site. Trefor asked that should the Committee be minded to agree to this development proposal, that their decision be delayed until the outcome of the questionnaire be known.


Paul Etherington, resident, spoke in objection to the application. Paul stated that the plan was for large developments to take place on two sides of his property, with the golf course green space being built on and then potentially this development in addition. Paul stated that he had sat on the Planning Committee at Maidenhead for a number of years, and therefore appreciated the large bundle of papers that Members had to consider. Paul felt that it was difficult for Members to get a proper feel for the area, however it was recognised that Sonning had no GP surgery, no dentist, no walkable shops, churches, bars or restaurants. With all of these factors taken into account, this development would create a large number of additional vehicle movements including delivery vehicles. Paul stated that the local rugby club had been enjoying success as of late, and had just built a brand new stand. On match  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.