Executive post

Executive Member for Finance - Julian McGhee-Sumner


5.2.12 Executive Member for Finance, 21st Century Council, Internal Services and Human Resources

To be responsible for overseeing the preparation of the Council’s 3 year rolling budget and its presentation to Council.

To act as the Member coordinator for:


a) monitoring of the Council’s budget in line with policy decisions;

b) ensuring appropriate financial information is brought to the Executive for decision.

To oversee the production of the Council’s budget timetable.

To oversee the workings of the Council’s finance functions, advising the Shared Internal Audit and Investigations Service as appropriate and making appropriate recommendations to the Executive on improvements.

To oversee the production of the Council’s annual review of fees and charges and the development of policy in this respect.

To oversee the preparations for setting the Council Tax.

To be responsible for the production and presentation to the Executive of the Council’s Capital Strategy and three/five year Capital Programme and for monitoring and evaluating performance against targets set by the Executive.

To monitor the financial impact of the organisational development of the Council including any structural changes or initiatives.

Responsible for the financial monitoring of WBC-owned companies.

To be responsible for overseeing and monitoring the Treasury Management Strategy and alerting the Executive to issues of concern.

Responsible for monitoring the Council’s Revenues and Benefits function.

Responsible for monitoring the Council’s Procurement function.

To take responsibility for overseeing the development of the Council’s contract procurement strategy with particular regard to the following:


a)    ensuring corporate and consistent standards for monitoring and evaluation of contracts throughout the Council;

b)    examining with appropriate Officers ways in which contracts of all types can be better managed on a timely renewal basis to achieve greater value for money;


c) to examine potential new ways of procuring services including;


i) outsourcing;

ii) market testing;

iii) public/private partnerships or the Private Finance Initiative;

iv) joint working with other public bodies.

To take responsibility for overseeing the delivery of planned savings

To be responsible for developing the Council’s E-government strategy and for meeting government targets for electronic delivery of services.

To be responsible for advising the Executive on the development and performance of Customer Services.

To oversee the production of the service plans for Shared Legal Services and Governance and Improvement Services (including Electoral and Democratic Services).

To ensure that services to Members are kept under review and that Members are provided with all the services they reasonably need.

To be responsible for the design, implementation and effective operation of the 21st

Century Council transformation programme, for delivery of its intended benefits to residents, its financial benefits and the successful establishment of the new Operating Model for the Council post-Transformation

To oversee all aspects of the Council’s human resources function, making recommendations for the improvement of the service.

To hold the Director of Corporate Services to account for the performance and improvement of the services and sufficiency duties.


To act as the primary press spokesman on all matters relating to the whole of the Finance, 21st Century Council, Internal Services and Human Resources portfolio (including aspects that are delegated to the Deputy Executive Member for Finance, 21st Century Council, Internal Services and Human Resources).

To mentor, support and develop the Deputy Executive Member.