Executive post

Executive Member for Adults' Services - Julian McGhee-Sumner


5.2.8  Executive Member for Adults’ Services, Health, Wellbeing and Housing

To oversee the work of the Council’s Adult Social Care and Housing Services and ensure they are carried out efficiently and effectively.

Responsible for overseeing the Affordable Housing Strategy and implementing the Council’s statutory housing functions; including responsibility for the overall management of the housing stock.

Liaise with and advise the Affordable Housing Working Group as to requirements.

To be the Executive Member responsible for:


a)      overseeing the production of all statutory and service plans within the remit of the service;


b)      joint working with health organisations and the voluntary sector;


c)      taking forward the Council’s Better Government for Older People’s Strategy;


d)      preparation for and implementation of agreed action plans from inspections including joint reviews, CQC, and Housing Inspectorate reviews;


e)      developing a range of partnerships and initiatives in liaison with community groups, e.g. the Carers’ Strategy.

Responsible for the development of new or revised Adult Social Services or Housing policies with due regard to corporate objectives, including equal opportunities and social inclusion.

Responsible for Tenant Services including monitoring liaison with tenants through discussion with the Council’s representatives on the Tenant and Landlord Improvement Panel.

Advise the Council on forthcoming developments in the Health Legislation including Public Health responsibilities.

To oversee the production and development of the Council’s future strategy for Social Care.

Responsible for overseeing Optalis, the Council’s Social Care Company from a service commissioning perspective.

To represent the Council as determined by the Executive on outside bodies and in discussions/negotiations with regional, national and government bodies.

To lead on the Commissioning Strategy for Adult Social Care, Health and Housing.

Responsible for overseeing transitional arrangements when children become adults, in conjunction with the Executive Member for Children’s Services.

To work collaboratively with the Executive Member for Children’s Services to ensure the needs of young people, and children and young adults with disabilities and/or with their families are met.

To hold the Director of People Services to account for the performance and improvement of the services and sufficiency duties.

To lead on engagement with the community and voluntary sector.

To act as the primary press spokesman on all matters relating to the whole of the Adults’ Services, Health, Wellbeing and Housing portfolio (including aspects that are delegated to the Deputy Executive Member for Adults’ Services, Health, Wellbeing and Housing).

To mentor, support and develop the Deputy Executive Member.